Saturday, March 01, 2008

retooling the site a little bit...

While most bloggers out there are focusing on the presidential election, I now have my own individual outlet to that in me writing a book so I will be doing mainly news stories from now on. But they will be by no means front page news items (unles the unthinkable happens). I will be focusing on terrorism and the jihadists. Now I know I may get hate mail for this but goddamn it we have freedom of speech in this country and I intend to use it. If you are offended by something posted please let me know so I can post your hate mail and refute you point by point. I am also ading a new link section on my sidebar related to this. I will post some political cartoons tomorrow to ligthen the mood a little bit then its back to the hard news on Monday.


The Zombieslayer said...

Awesome. Someone has to piss off the politically correct.

Good luck on your book.

Ben said...

thanks ZS

Anonymous said...

What's the book about?