Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fitna The Movie: Geert Wilder's documentary about Islam

I haven't posted in awhile, I think that this is a must watch for anyone who still thinks that Islam is a "religion of peace". Yes I know not all Muslims are like this, but pretty soon all the moderates will be overrun by the psycho 1-10% of Islam that is murderous and intolerant and a danger to Western Civilzation


The Zombieslayer said...

That's pretty scary.
I'll link to it.

tshsmom said...

Thanks Ben! I've been spreading the word on Islam every time I get the opportunity.

Laura said...

That doesn't seem to be the whole video. It is scary stuff - keep in mind, though, that it's the way the verses are being cherry-picked and interpreted that is the problem. Even 3 of the 5 verses shown in this clip have more to them than what is shown. Go to the public library and find an English translation of the Qur'an and see for yourself.

For instance: 4:56 is not talking about Muslims going out and buring the flesh of non believers... It says non believers will end up in Hell. Not unlike the Old Testament.

8:60 for example is scary on it's own "strike terror in the hearts of enemies..." But 8:61 directly following says "But if they are inclined to peace, make peace with them".

47:4 has to to with the taking of prisoners of war, not with slavery, as the rest of the verse reads "free them graciously or take a ransom until war shall have come to an end"

Some of them, like 4:89 and 8:39 are violent and not taken out of context. For sure, the Qur'an does have its share of verses espousing the inferiority of non believers coming out of one side of its mouth and coming out of the other are verses that say to respect fellow "people of the book". Historically, these contradictions are thought to be reflections of times of war and peace respectively.

Oh, and nowhere does it say Jews are apes and pigs - that is rhetoric straight out of the anti-Israeli propoganda that started in the 30s-40s.

I don't think the movie did a very good job illustrating that it is the TEACHERS not necessarily the BOOK that are violent.

Moral of the story: Don't take anyone's word about what the Qur'an does or does not say. Look for yourself.

Laura said...

Oh, and: You may also want to check out Submission, Part One, the film Theo Van Gogh was murdered for and which prompted the current backlash against Muslims in Holland. It's quite powerful. This is also the reason Ayaan Hirsi Ali is under 24 hour police protection.