Wednesday, June 01, 2005

conversation with my dad...

I was sitting watching the daily show tonight with my dad and he said you know why were over there in Iraq (implied that it's oil). I said if were there for oil why is oil nearly 52 dollars per fucking barrel? He just told me to connect the dots. Me and my dad agree on most things poltically related but I just can't fathom that we are in Iraq for oil. If we were it would be very cheap now, I just put up a new link called "Gas Buddy" so you can check what gas prices are in your area. Anyone else out there want to explain to me why were in Iraq and stuff for oil? And if you can do that tell me why oil is pushing $52 a barrel. If anyone can come up with a legitimate point I will comment on it. Also don't tell me your just against the war in Iraq and "No blood for oil" or other bullshit like that. Even if you don't agree with the war do you honestly think we went in there for oil?


Ben said...

thanks for the info, I'll look into it with a skeptical eye.

The Zombieslayer said...

Sorry Ben, not with you here. I think oil was the #1 reason, but one of many. If we really wanted to attack tyranny, we would have gone after North Korea. Saddam's a bastard who needs to die a thousand deaths, but he's still a better person than that North Korean dictator. And if I'm not mistaken, Saddam and Osama hated each other, so I don't think they were connected in terror.

Ben said...

Zombie its ok, and just to let you know we half agree with each other because I do believe it was an attack on tyranny too and I do agree that Kim Jong-Il is 1000X worse than saddam. But with Hussein and OBL keep in mind the saying that, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Just a thought. So we do agree more than you think, I'm just glad your not one of those people who think it's the ONLY reason we went in there.

Ben said...

3 words odograph: alternative enegry sources.

Ben said...

Do you consider hydrogen and electricity the same thing. Because I have been hearing a lot about fuel cells from Japan and stuff. I think that is our best bet personally, and yes I did stop by your blog and your a free market guy so we will get along just fine.

tshsmom said...

Keep in mind that Bush and his family are part of the Oil Cartel.
It's been rumored for years that the Oil Cartel has bought the patents of thousands of alternative energy plans. Why? To kill the competition.
I'm not real comfortable with the idea of people speeding down the freeway with hydrogen on board. I've yet to find an alternative energy plan that will work in northern climates. The brains of our country need to be ENCOURAGED to find a way out of our oil dependence.
BTW, I agree with Bush on Alaska drilling. The caribou are just fine with this!

Ben said...

very good points tshsmom. If you read my previous comments I think that fuel cells are the future. Not for 20-30 years but eventually.