Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Support the MMP

For those of you who haven't heard the Minuteman Project (MMP) lasted about a month and was a huge success. I am signing up to help these true Americans who believe in the protection of our borders with Mexico AND Canada. That is their next step. These people have the balls to do what neither the Democrats OR Republicans will do, so where government drops the ball citizens pick it up and make it work. I like Bush overall but I (and many other Republicans) can't stand his stance on illegal immigration. Calling these people vigilantes is counter-productive considering how these illegals are raping our economy. Besides most of the volunteers are ex-military and some are LEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES!!!!!!! Try and find that fact out from the liberal media, they aren't all white, NRA rednecks as they would like you to think


Ben said...

Do you really honestly think the ACLU will help out with anything pro-american? He's got better luck with the ACU

The Zombieslayer said...

It's because of the Minutement Project I will now have nothing to do with the ACLU.
If it weren't for the fact that financially, we're scraping by, I'd be right there
with them. I love the Minutemen and I'm really upset with Bush for standing against them.
I'm in California, which is overrun by illegals. They're filthy, they litter like crazy, they breed like rabbits, and they bring a lot of crime to California.
At least Gov Swartzeneggar supports the Minutemen. Here's to the Gov for doing something right.
Thanks for posting a pro-Minutemen article.

The Zombieslayer said...

Yes, pro-American meaning someone who was born here, or as you put it, an accident at birth. What's wrong with that?
Why can't they set up opportunity in their own countries? Why? Because they're corrupt and backwards.
I'm not one of those people who when the going gets tough, I run. I'll fix the problems here. They don't have that attitude.
As Edward Abbey says (one of my favorite authors), when they come to the border, just hand them a rifle and send them back. Tell them to finish the revolution in their own country.