Thursday, May 19, 2005

technology is amazing, and scary...

For those of you who don't go to my school I was given an ISS (In-school suspension) for swearing about our retarded librarian today. Sometimes you got to take lumps along the way to fight the power, that being said I'll get to my post. Earlier this week I got my first check card in the mail and I just used it for a couple EBay purchases tonight. It only took my 5 minutes to sign up for all that and put in for a couple of bids on Twins Medallions I have missed so far. I'm not saying this is bad by any strech of the imagination but is it hard to argue that this is disturbing. It seems that the system is wayyy to easy to abuse. Hopefully our ability to keep up protecting ourselves with how fast technology will get better in the upcoming years.

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