Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dickhead Turbin "apologizes"...

I haven't really posted on this yet but this disgrace (Dick Durbin) in the Senate recently compared Gitmo to Soviet Gulags, Nazi Death camps, and Pol Pot's death camps. I mean come on people, zero people have died at Gitmo and more than 10 million (and that's being conservative) people died in those 3 places. He has "apologized" twice but honestly if he wants to make things right he should resign from the Senate NOW! This kind of slander on our troops is absolutely unacceptable and is borderline treasonous in a time of war (to all the liberals out there we ARE at war like it or not) to compare our troops to those scum. I would strongly urge everyone out there to call their senators and congressmen/women to demand his resignation. Let me be clear, I am all for dissent and debate but this is too extreme. Espically now the fact that the Left is endorsing it, blame America first and always try and underrrsstaanddd your enemies. I'll end this post the way I do most political posts; Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...


He's not slandering troops, war crimes have been committed at US prisons.

And I thought the 'war' was over and you guys won?


Ben said...

really, how is he not slnadering the troops? Please explain that one to me o exalted one

Ben said...

and war crimes according to who? Yes were the only one's that commit war crimes in the world, everyone else is innocent. And he "apologized" what do you think made him do that?

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

paul said it for me.