Monday, June 13, 2005

the difference in my side...

I was watching American Dad earlier tonight and I realized something. That conservatives have more of a sense of humor than liberals. Note: The show American Dad makes fun of both sides but I laugh at ALL the jokes, that is the problem with liberals today they are so uptight and anal that they can't laugh at themselves, they have almost no sense of humor. I can make fun of myself and my side because I'll admit that some people can be over the top sometimes but when an over the top liberal is made fun of, most if not all liberals won't laugh. They need to lighten up and get a sense of humor, you can even read my posts on my chruch sign to see what I'm talking about.


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Yep, wild generalisations ben...again.

Ben said...

yea don't generalisations danielle, "I hate conservatism and everything it stands for," hmmm... who said that, I forgot.

The Zombieslayer said...

I'd have to agree with Ben here. Liberals get offended by everything. And this is coming from someone who voted for Nader twice. Liberals need to lighten up.

Ben said...

Paul, you should listen to Medved or Air America (yes I have listened to it). Liberals are so attacking but when you try to attack them they throw a hissy fit. That's one of many reasons I listen to talk radio, sometimes they piss me off but usually I just laugh because its usually very funny.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

You're confusing a genralisation with an opinion I hold, I do hate conservatism and everything it stands for.

I'll also add that it's the neo-cons who like to silence different voices rather than vica versa.

The Zombieslayer said...

Paul - experience. One of my best friends was very high up in the California Democratic Party. He has a picture of himself with his arm around Barbara Boxer, who was actually kind of cute when she first became a politician.

A lot of these folks had problems laughing. They'd worry they'd offend anyone. It was here that I learned that some people get offended by everything. Conservatives on the other hand will laugh at everything. I'm not even a conservative. I'm just giving you my observations.