Thursday, June 09, 2005

fist blog picture

Yay my first blog picture Posted by Hello


The Zombieslayer said...

I see the church has been listening to our friend Mr. Savage. Hey, speaking of mental disorders, I got this guy from England who's arguing in favor of political correctness and throwing a hissy fit on my blog. Feel free to read it if you want a few good laughs. It started in my Cuisines when I called English food bad and then he's doing it again in my anti-political correctness post. Of course, not all liberals are whacked, but this guy definitely is.

begins with v said...

ohhhh you sure know how to get a liberal fired up!!! This sign does not piss me off because it says something about pisses me off because it is making a political statement...I firmly believe in the separation of church and state, and when churches start trying to sway their member's vote and make political statements such as these, it is just WRONG!!! But thanks for giving me my fire dose today! But then again, it doesn't take much for a redhead...see ya later, ben!

Ben said...

dude, it's not real, click on the picture and it will take you to a site that you can make your own church signs, get a sense of humor Slade!!!

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

HARK! I smell a conservative boy-man!

Great, will you make me laugh as much as the Zombieslayer does?

Ben said...

depends on if you have a sense of humor

tshsmom said...

Find some SPACE and BREATHE, Daniel! Your overpopulated environment is making you lash out at the innocent!

The Zombieslayer said...

Ben - goes to show how right Michael Savage is about certain liberals.

Tshsmom - One of these days I need to do a post on overpopulation. I've always believed that it was #1 - the cause for most wars, and #2 - the worst environmental problem out there.
You get too many people too close together and they start getting goofy.

tshsmom said...

Totally agree ZS! You're the only person besides me who remembers what ZPG is.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

No, I despise conservatism and everything it stands for.

Ben said...

and yet, your the people who preach tolerance... need I say anymore?

Ben said...

wait Paul, so the fact he killed 6 million Jews means nothing to you? And who gives him these rights that he has, God? Sorry, I had trouble digesting that one man.