Saturday, June 25, 2005

movie review...

Well, last night I sat down with mom and dad and watched Be Cool. It is the sequel to Get Shorty and is a very entertaining but long film. John Travolta and The Rock walk away with the movie. Vince Vaughn does a great job playing a wigger (white guy who thinks he's black) and Cedric the Entertainer does a good job with his odd role. Overall it was a very funny movie but dragged on wayyyy to long and the Steven Tyler "cameo" (he was in there for like 10 mintues) was ok but overdone. 7 out of 10, worth the rental but if you saw it in the theaters you would want a refund. Also, ZS are you planning on seeing Land of the Dead by George A. Romero? It's picking up decent reviews.

1 comment:

The Zombieslayer said...

I actually liked Get Shorty. And of course, going to see Land of the Dead once I get my paycheck.