Monday, July 18, 2005

Affirmative Action...

It's been what 2 days since I posted a controversial topic? So here it goes, this has contributions from stewie another poster on Conservative Punk (look on the bottom for the link)

I have no problem with other races (I hate that word when it's used in that context; we're all human after all), my way of thinking is that you determine the worth of a person on an individual basis. That's why I have friend's whose views juxtapose mine, that's why I had a perfectly good time living with my homosexual brother and his partner last summer, and that's why I didn't cringe when I saw some of my coworkers during that summer weren't white. I met some very nice people that summer. I say this because before proceed any further I want to discourage the concept that I am some bigoted redneck who can't conceive of a world beyond the whitebred ethnosphere in which I generally live. All this said I think that affirmative action is no more than modern day sugar coated racism and that it's existence only helps to sustain the idea that people are different because of their skin color.

I can understand the reasoning behind affirmative action, I really can. Minorities and women have in the past been dealt an extremely unfair hand and it makes sense that it be made up to them by giving the same chances and oppurtunities that every average white person has ever had. Only that's not what we're doing, we're giving them more chances and oppurtunities than the average white person and this my friends is something of a hypocrisy. We are going to correct wrongs of the past by taking advantages away from one group because of their skin color and giving it to another because of their skin color. In a sane world this would be called hypocrisy, but in the politically correct world in which we live this called justice.

The way to correct the wrongs of the past in not to hand out handicaps but rather to make the playing field perfectly equal. Don't consider race in employment, or college admissions, don't consider race at all! Base everything on whether or not a person has the grades or the qualification to do what they want and to go where they want to go. I know some would argue that there still exists fundamental obstacles to many minorities when it comes to education and this may be true, but the same can be said for many white people as well. If the black son of a billionaire applies to the same college as the white son of a coal miner and they both have comparable grades would it be fair to admit the black student on the basis that he was disadvantaged as a minority? Obviously not! I know that this kind of scenario is rare but it proves the hypocrisy of the affirmative action system. More so what message does it send to people when you pretty much tell them "You need help because your black?"

I know that minorities have struggled long and hard to get where the already are but we invalidate everything they have done when we tell them that even though they have beaten every single white prediction they still aren't good enough to make it the top on their own? I know what I am calling for may seem racist but it isn't. I am calling for a system that makes every person earn what they get, a system that in the end will allow people to look back on their lives and say with pride "I got here on my own."

Like I said in my conversation with ZS the other day. "Both sides political philosiphy can be summed up in one saying: give a man a fish and he'll be hungry the next day, teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry again. Conservatives want to teach, liberals want to give." I couldn't have said it better myself, wait I did say it, hmmm I need to get more sleep at night my mind is going. Anyways basically AA is giving out a fish which is what liberals want to do, conservatives want to help these people get high-quality educations (teach them to fish) so they can succeed without the help of a racist policy (yes lefties, racism against white people IS STILL RACISM!) that does more harm than good to their cause.


The Zombieslayer said...

Wow, the three of us agree on something? :)

Ben said...

I sense hell getting colder. And touche Paul.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

You liek picking hot topics don't you?

We don't utilise 'affirmative action' in the UK and I don't know enough about how it works in the US to comment.