Thursday, July 21, 2005

a day without a post...

Oh well the streak is broken, I have decided to stop posting about the John Roberts issue, that is until the confirmation battle heats up in a month or so. I will also be leaving for the east coast this Saturday and will be gone for a week. During the weekend though I will have net access, and my posts will reflect the day I had in Washington DC with my Aunt, Uncle and Mom. Then I head down to NC to see my cousins who I haven't seen since 1997. Current events now basically consist of Roberts, possible attacks, the girl thing in Aruba that just won't go away, and a few other pieces of shit I care not to mention. Basically what I'm saying is that I'm DONE with political/current events posts for probably the rest of this month. My posts will be limited to sports, cd reviews and a book review or two. Maybe a review of NCAA 2006 or Madden 2006 too. It's time to show you all I'm not a one trick pony, I can talk intelligently about other things besides politics. I'm going to bed now...

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