Thursday, July 07, 2005

New link...

I have just heard about a new website called Jihad Watch thanks to a caller from Michael Savage show. You will find stuff here that the MSM flat out ignores probably because CIAR (Council fro Islamic American Relations) doesn't want you to know what Muslims are REALLY doing in the Mosques in this country. Once again, religion of peace? Give me a fucking break...


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

With Paul, inciting religious hatred Ben, it's not grown up and its not pretty.

Ben said...

yes, as opposed to the religious hatred there is for Christianity. Paul I've said it before and I'll say it again (and even some Muslims have acknowleged it) "Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim." So your with the MSM and having us try to underrsstanndd our enemy. Screw that, there's nothing these people understand that is logical so they need to be killed. And with Ted Kennedy, I will be getting more links, don't tell me your going to try and defend the scumball.

The Zombieslayer said...

In defense of Ben, here in America, we have a lot more to worry about from extremist Muslims than from anyone else. But let's make one thing clear, the problems aren't Muslims, but Fundamentalist Muslims. They're the ones that are terrorists. They're the ones that are exploiting their own people and keeping their own people down.

The Arabic mind has had a long history of accomplishment. They gave us Algebra and some real cool architecture. It's really sad some of their societies have been taken over by extremists.

That said, if I were running the show, I wouldn't allow the Fundamentalists into the country, period. There's a huge difference between someone just wanting to improve his lot in life by coming to America and someone obsessed with terror. The moderate Muslims are pretty cool people and great to party with. The Fundamentalists plain out suck and are boring as H*ll because they're not allowed to do anything fun. Everything offends them too, kind of like a PC liberal.

Paul - want to differ in your point about dying in a less bigoted world. I'd rather survive, but that's just me.

Ben said...

ZS, thanks for the defense and I'm, glad you made the clairification between the everyday muslims and fundamentalist ones. I forgot to do that, oops...

The Zombieslayer said...

Paul - I was really disappointed with your attitude. I wasn't kidding when I said I found you an intelligent guy and I do believe you have a lot to contribute. I like your site (I wish you'd update it more though). Sacrificing your life for a less bigoted world would be a shame, seriously.

Prejudice and bigotry have always existed and will always exist, especially when we have a serious overpopulation problem where more and more people fight for less and less resources. I personally think that is a much bigger fish to fry than prejudice and bigotry.

Why is the Muslim world so pissed? Well, I disagree with our President who says that it's because they hate our freedom. I think it's more along the lines that the vast majority of them are have-nots and they see us as "haves." Their rulers do an excellent job at not only oppressing them, but also shifting the blame away from themselves and onto us. Those countries are in need of a revolution, for which I hope will be secular.

And my last word on the Muslim people, I have nothing against them. I've partied hard with many of them, and many of them are wonderful, fun, and funny people. One of the main guys who taught me soccer is Islamic and is a dear friend of mine. However, the extremists, the guys who will blow themselves up to try to bring us down, they should and hopefully will be met with bullets.

If some guy comes up to me and looks like he's going to blow himself up in front of me, you can bet that I'd fill him up with lead instead of try to make conversation with him. It's all about survival, and that's one thing that I really like about Ben. Ben understands that if it's between us or them, he would choose us. I hope it never comes down to that, but if it does, I know I could count on Ben. I hope I could count on you too, Paul.

The Zombieslayer said...

Oh, and one more thing. I'm 99% sure that a lot of the moderate Muslims will be on our side. I've heard too many of them confess to me that they're sick of how things are run there. That's why they're here.

The Zombieslayer said...

Wow, Paul. You really do amaze me. You've read both Locke and Hobbes.

Well, I think we're in more agreement than you realize then.

As for Ben, his attitude reminds me of a martial artist I used to know. He's exactly the type of person I'd want on my side when the you know what hits the fan.

This argument doesn't really have a right and wrong because it's really too complex for the paragraphs we write. All three of us are right in some ways and wrong in others. Ben would be the quickest of the three of us to act, which in some situations is right. For example, going back to 9-11, he would have been the people on Flight 93. You or I may have hesitated and met our demise without having a chance to fight back.

You see why I have so much respect for Ben?

I think Ben's only mistake was not specifying right off the bat that he was referring to the extremists and not moderate Muslims. He did correct that though.

Now, here is where I'm a little more extreme than you, Paul. I would ask questions and try to find who the trouble makers are, then round them up and send them back. I don't want Muslim extremists in this country. I'd try to work within the Muslim community, which would be difficult at first, but when it's made clear that no civil rights will be lost, just a little bit of time wasted, and in exchange, we prove to the world that there's a huge difference between moderates and extremists, I think we can all win.

The difficulty would come in that Muslims as people are very private, which in some ways is a good thing. They don't believe in ratting on other people. It goes against their religion. So this could be very tricky to pull off, but I think it can be done if we could convince them that in the long run, it will be for the best.

The Zombieslayer said...

Paul - communists didn't take down the Twin Towers. Most commies I know are hippies, very peaceful. They do advocate the working class overthrowing the industrialists, but am I scared of hippies coming in the middle of the night trying to bomb my house?

Ben said...

Paul what can I say, you have me down, yea I'm "misguided" in some of my opinions (thanks right-wing talk radio) but I like to stay informed, besides we've known each other for 4+ years, everythign you said was correct. And ZS I am honored that you feel that way about me because I feel the exact same way about you. Hey, maybe we could be buddies in Congress someday ;) you never know...