Saturday, July 02, 2005

a rant, that is not mine for once...

I was thinking about ranting before the 4th of July here but I saw a post on Anti-Strib that did a much better job than I could, and I agree 100% with this. Here it is:

What do the 4th of July, Dick "Insert Foot In Mouth" Durbin, the Kelo case decision from the Supreme Court, Liberal war casualty moaning and Live Eight all have in common?

They all are occasions, people or incidents where the Liberal left will, or has, taken it for granted that freedom is free.

This 4th of July, the Liberals and their media lapdogs will continue to whine about casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would rather hear the good old American call for some pay back. Did everyone forget that thousands of Marines died in one month at the Chosin Resevoir in Korea to free the poeple of South Korea. How about the couple thousand that died during a Nazi torpedo boat attack off the English coast while simply practicing the Normandy Invasion landing techniques. I seem to remember 6,000 Marines dying in a week to get Iwo Jima as a backup landing field for the B-29's during the final push to victory in WWII. How about the hundreds of thousands on either side who died in a civil war that finally reunited our country forever in 1865. The War on Terror, to date, has cost less in lives than the Marines have given in a matter of hours on any of a number of islands all over the Pacific to defeat Japan. I am assuming today's Liberal scumbag would deny the whole world freedom if the cost in lives was more than 1 person. Step one in Liberal playbook - Take freedom for granted and move straight to forced socialist utopian implementation.

Dick Durbin and his big mouth only reinforce my belief in Liberal cowardice and ingratitude. The FBI has accusations from the terrorists themselves, claiming to be tortured by female gaurds rubbing breasts on them while being forced to sit partially clad in very cold air conditioned rooms. Dr. Dumbass Durbin calls our boys in Guantanamo, Nazi and Stalinist torturers, and demands kinder and more gentle treatment for the prisoners. I am glad Uncle Dick was not the one fighting off Banzai charges during the battle with Japan. Another idiot who doesn't understand what Tracy has explained before; America has the moral high ground because we are trying to defeat oppression worldwide from the same accusatory jizzbags.

The Supreme Court's liberal justices recently ruled against The Constitution Of The United States, by deciding that any government entity can seize your land against your will for any public purpose. The kicker is that taking your property and building something that pays higher taxes to that same governmental body qualifies as a public purpose, or public good. That's right, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a tool of the corporate and governmental conspiracy to take your home for joint redevelopment projects, whether you like it or not. Your money and earnings belong to them, so why not your property too? The freedom of private property rights was over rated anyways. They take it for granted that the right to property, and ease of access to available property makes America unique. A true freedom not enjoyed to the same extend anywhere else in the world.

The Live Eight concert is my favorite. Bono from U2 has decided that we don't need to give charitably individually to help the impoverised around the world. He thinks he should throw a concert this week to beg our government to tax the shit out of us and redistribute the resulting revenue to the same cycle of violence and socialism dictators in Africa who ruined the damn continent in the first place.

There will never be a violence free world. The only reason half the world doesn't attack the other half is that they are already Christian, capitalist and democratic, or they fear we will kick the hell out of them for fucking with our economy and allies. We keep a strong military to help free people so they can institute democracy and become one of our allies, and there in scare the shit out of all the dictators oppressing their people to keep them from practicing Christianity, capitalsim and democracy.

By taking freedom for granted the Libs will take your paycheck, slander your families in the service, depose you from your property to boost property taxes, beg for even more government paycheck theft to help fucked up African dictators in debt to the World Bank through embezzlement, They simply have forgotten that millions of Americans have died bearing arms to provide them with an extra day off next week to BBQ with their families, instead of standing at flag waving attention during a dictator imposed national pride parade rally. I can't believe these freaking morons actually worry about the influence that the Pledge of Allegiance has on their children.

Have a happy Independence Day, and remember that most Liberals you will meet this weekend have no idea how this became possible and that they are doing everything possible to fuck it all up.

Have a nice weekend everyone, I won't be posting that much the next 2 days so Happy 4th everyone!


Ben said...

Paul, how is america not christian? The majority of the people in this country are christian therefore it is christian. I see no reason why we have to end the debts in Africa because even if we do does anyone think that will solve the problems facing that area of the world? And China won't take over, and even if they do, do you really think they will care what we have done. Fuck them, I hope their economy collapses on itself, which it is close to doing mind you.

Ben said...

I don't necessarily agree with the whole chrisitan ally thing but it is a FACT that 2 christian nations have never ever in the history of the world waged war against one another. Islam the "religion of peace" has been involved at least partially in almost every war in the last millenia, as to the "religious abuses" committed at Gitmo, if their motto is convert the infidels or kill them I fail why we need to respect their religion. Respect is earned not given and I don't think Islam or Christianity has, so they will continue to wage war on each other. Simple fact.
Paul on Africa, I just want to leave it alone honestly, lets work at home first.
On China, yes I ahve read and seen the warning signs, but right now their going through a heat wave and letting the citizens bake. I have no way to confirm this but I have heard that they have suffered some heat deaths there. They are powerful, for now. The #1 to bring them down is for us to corner the alternative energy market as to negate their infusion of oil into their economy. If we don't I'll be the first to admit were going to be fucked.
I agree that our government is and should be secular but if you don't agree that this is a christian nation what is it then. It sure as hell isn't Islamic, Jewish, or agnostic. This IS a Christian nation. The United States has 189,983,000 according to
I mean come on man your a very smart person. Actually I was wrong on that 50% mark its closer to 70-75%.