Saturday, August 27, 2005

back pain...

Well I think that Ben Franklin had the saying, "Only two things in life are certain, death and taxes." I think that back injuries should be added to that. On Thursday I went down to play intramural flag football. I thought it was just going to be fun and laid back. Boy was I wrong, every guy on the field except me had at least one year of varsity football experience. Needless to say I was outclassed big time. But wait that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was I got stuck at center. For those of you who don't know I'm 6'4 180 lbs. Translation: NOT BLOCKING MATERIAL!!!!!!!! I had one play where our "coach" basically fell onto my my back, yea just what I need when I am a bag boy and work Friday, Saturday and Sunday working a total of 16 1/2 hours over those 3 days. Don't feel too bad for me, I make $8 an hour (plus the $16 a month that goes to my union but I already talked about that in a earlier post) but that doesn't mean it wasn't a gigantic pain in the ass, or more accurately back. Thank god for IcyHot, a product I totally endorse. It numbed my back enough so I could work for 5 hours today, still hurts though. I have a question for anyone reading this, is there anyone out there who HASN'T messed their back up? Seriously I bet that 80%-90% of the American public has done something to their back.


tshsmom said...

The BAD new is, once you screw it up it keeps recurring.
This template is easier for us old folks to read BTW.

The Zombieslayer said...

I think anyone who's ever done physical labor will have back problem later on. The good news for me is that if this job goes full-time, I get 30 chiropractor visits or massages a year with only a $10 deductable.

when you're older and if you decide to see a chiropractor, I better warn you that not all chiropractors are good. There are even some out there that are bad. Make sure you do your research before you get one.

Ben said...

tshsmom- ugh I know, I did it in early may and it still wasn't 100%

ZS- thanks for the tips, I should tell that to my parents.