Friday, August 05, 2005

This gives me hope about DC republicans...

wow, when I saw this article on Newsmax my heart leaped, I couldn't believe it. Tom Delay is now back in the running (baggage and all) for the 2008 nod.

DeLay: Round Up Illegal Immigrants

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay urged Texas police Thursday night to begin rounding up illegal immigrants, and said he backed legislation that would cut off federal funds to cities that don't enforce U.S. immigration laws.

Speaking to a gathering of Fort Bend County, Texas Republicans, DeLay said that if police rounded up illegals, the federal government would find places to house them.

In quotes picked up by the Houston Chronicle, the top Republican urged: "If you pick up 50 or 100 of them, you can call the National Guard."
As for housing, DeLay said: "Put them in tents."

He noted that until now, even the federal government has not rounded up illegal immigrants in U.S. cities, because federal agents had no place to detain them. The situation is changing, however, under the new leadership at the Department of Homeland Security, he said.

DeLay emphasized that he's a strong supporter of legal immigration. But he opposes educating illegal immigrants using U.S. tax dollars or having their U.S.-born children automatically become American citizens.

According to the Chronicle, he blasted Houston city officials for their lax attitude toward illegal immigration, saying, "It greatly concerns me that the police chief in Houston, Texas, has created a sanctuary in Houston by announcing that he is not going to enforce our laws."

DeLay said he supported legislation introduced by Rep. Tom Tancredo that would withhold federal funding from cities like Houston that ignore federal immigration regulations.

Other big city governments, including New York City, that do not enforce immigration laws and would presumably also be at risk to have federal subsidies yanked under the provision supported by DeLay.

So when will we hear Bush say this? Memo to Bush: LISTEN TO THE HOUSE LEADER ON THIS, HE IS A FELLOW TEXAN, wake up and smell the illegals dude, before it's too late!


Dan said...

FYI: You need to change your font colour[s] to something that is legible. Thank you.

Ben said...

Thanks Dan, yea I don't know what happened.