Monday, September 05, 2005

I was right...

Pulled off Fox News earlier today...

New Orleans Mayor: Could be 10,000 dead in city
Some hurricane victims allowed to go home to salvage property; Bush tours Gulf Coast again

just scroll down a little...

Sunday, August 28, 2005
I know this is very grim...

but here are my projected Katrina death tolls for New Orleans. I am doing this to only compare where my guesses are to what actually happens.

Best-Case Scenario (misses NO)- 1,500-2,000
Medium Case Scenario (grazes NO)- 5,000-15,000
Worst-Case Scenario (direct hit)- 50,000-75,000

100,000 people are trapped there, please pray for them and for a miracle.

I don't want to celebrate 10,000 people dead but um, I predicted this and am comparing them to what is happening, boy I wish this was another one of my wrong predictions.


The Zombieslayer said...

Yeah, it could have been much worse. Glad it wasn't a direct hit.

Ben said...

thank god, I guess...