Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tom Delay indicted

Big deal right? Actually not as big of a deal as you would think, let's look at the

in·dict( P ) Pronunciation Key(n-dt)
tr.v. in·dict·ed, in·dict·ing, in·dicts
To accuse of wrongdoing; charge: a book that indicts modern values.
Law. To make a formal accusation or indictment against (a party) by the findings of a jury, especially a grand jury.

The way the media is using the word you would think he has been convicted, there hasn't even been a TRIAL yet people. Once again, Liberalism is a mental disorder.


The Zombieslayer said...

Innocent until proven guilty. If guilty, I'd like to see him sentenced heavily. If innocent, then let him walk. We'll see....

Ben said...

the MSM will, they're overwhelmingly liberal