Monday, October 03, 2005

contrary to what I said a few weeks ago...

the rest of the world can kiss my red, white, and blue ass. We should NEVER GIVE FORIGEN AID EVER AGAIN TO ANY COUNTRY! Why? well look at Katrina, thank God we know how to take care of our own. Unlike the rest of the world that expects us to solve their problems. I am doing my own little part and so are many other millions of americans. I have not forgotten about the tragedy and will continue to help when it is needed. Sadly, the same cannot be said about the rest of the world. I say we bow out of the UN and use it as a homeless shelter. That way the space can actually be put to good use. When I hear something Katrina/Rita related that is significant you should be able to find it on my katrina blog. When I want to rant, well you know where it will be posted ;)

1 comment:

The Zombieslayer said...

Did you see what Bolton said about how we pay 22% of the U.N. for 1/191th of the vote? Ridiculous. I'm really starting to like Bolton.