Sunday, October 09, 2005

fun day...

I'll be back to the political grind next post, right now all I care about is football and baseball. I will be spending from now until 10-11pm tonight watching sports. There are more important things going on in the world now, like defense spending, we spent $455 billion on it. When you compare that percentage wise to other countries its on par or maybe a little ahead. It's not as big of a deal as liberal blogs are making it out to be. Espically considering the debt of this country (once again sometime next week I need to do a post on that).


The Zombieslayer said...

Packers won their first game!


52-3. The Pack is back. If they keep playing like this, maybe there's a shot of them going past the first round of the playoffs this year. As long as they don't lose the Super Bowl. For some reason, losing the Super Bowl to me is worse than even playing in it.

Ben said...

Don't get too excited ZS, we play you in 2 weeks, grilled cheese anyone :)

Ben said...

plus New Orleans sucks

The Zombieslayer said...

Ah, the trash talking has begun. :)