Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tonight at a meeting...

I met Captain Ed, from the Captain's Quarters blog (which I will be providing a link to soon, along with Powerline) which I read every now and then. I also got to show off my iPod Shuffle to a bunch of amazed middle-aged people who looked stunned when I pulled it out. He talked about the Eason Jordan debacle and other various topics (like Swift Boat Veterans). I wasn't a part of those because I started blogging daily just 3-4 months ago. There is so much more I could say (he's a very nice and cool guy to top it off) about him and the meeting but I'll leave it at this, he is (along with me) a voice for people who are conservatives but scared to speak because the loony left thinks were all facists and Nazi's (when in reality, they are the ones who act more like those groups). I think it was Richard Nixon who talked about a silent majority, well thanks to the blogopsphere and people like Captain Ed, the majority will be heard.


Anonymous said...

There is a reason the looney left sounds like Nazis.

The political spectrum is drawn wrong, Just' cause the political parties sit on the left and right side of the aisle folks think those are the extreams.

The extreams are "The government is uber-smart and will run the lives of our ignorant masses" on the left;, and freedom on the right.

Both parties today are way left.

Commies and Nazies are both just further left.

I kinda like freedom.


The Zombieslayer said...

Allan - You ever read Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative? I'm reading that right now. It talks about how the Republicans have compromised so much that they're way too far to the Left. Interesting read.

Funny thing is my father likes that book, and he's a Democrat. He's only a Democrat though because of social issues. He's economically very conservative, so I'm surprised he's still a Democrat. He's also stuck in the days of JFK when Democrats actually liked America.

Ben said...

great comments and interesting points both. I agree that the Repbulicans have gone way too far left and I still have trobule calling myself one. I'm more of a conservative libertarian that votes repbulican because voting libertarian isn't productive.