Monday, November 07, 2005

Newsmax wins silver medal

NewsMax Magazine has won a Silver Medal in the News/Commentary category of the 2005 Eddies, the prestigious journalism awards presented by Folio magazine.

Folio, a bible of the magazine publishing industry, announced the 16th annual Eddie Awards winners on November 1 at The Folio Show New York, the largest and most comprehensive conference and exposition for the magazine industry.

Amy Zucchi, Event Director for Folio, said: "It is truly amazing to see such excellence within the magazine industry not only from publications that have been around for many years, but also from the brand new magazines on the block.”

NewsMax Magazine now has a monthly paid circulation of 101,000 on average, and a readership of well over 400,000.

"This Silver Medal, won against impressive competition, is recognition that NewsMax Magazine has become a major player in the news and commentary field of magazine journalism,” said NewsMax President and CEO Christopher Ruddy.
"It is truly an honor.”

Hats off to a great magazine, it is a daily read for me and should be for you too.

1 comment:

The Zombieslayer said...

Geez. Wish I had more time. I barely have time to blog nowadays.

By the way, Ben, how are those business plans coming? I'm going to start a business soon selling t-shirts. I'll let you know. I'm barely online nowadays, and only at odd hours, so I never see you on AIM.

I moved again. Now in the San Francisco Bay Area. Got a full-time position, so we're doing much better now financially.