Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Give Obama a break? Not a chance for me...

You just gotta love the left. After 8 years of BDS and blaming Bush for EVERYTHING THAT WENT WRONG HERE IN THE US, they are now telling us to give Obama a pass because he said he, "screwed up". Yeah he said it, I am mildly surprised considering the God complex he has about himself but saying I screwed up does not mean I'm giving him a break for nominating a HHS secretary that was grossly incompetent at best and borderline criminal at worse when it came to paying back taxes. Shit he OWED more in taxes than 90-95% of the people in this country MAKE in a year (last figure I heard was somewhere between 100-150K, and these people claim to be for the middle class, ha). Dashle is a crook and got booted from the Senate in 2004 with good reason. Oh and our SecTreas is also a tax cheat, I forgot to mention that yesterday but if you read this blog I assumed you knew already because I like to think that my readers are more well informed than the average citizen that cares more about Hollywood than current events going on in the world. Anyway here's the video I got off, hopefully it works, and by the way looking at this guy it's hard to imagine he hasn't spent most of his adult life stoned out of his mind. Yet he makes it on's home page. Well he's still probably better than 70-80% of the journalists in this country; not that its saying much anymore.

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