Thursday, February 26, 2009

how dumb is Obama, 1 FUCKING trillion in new taxes?

Ok normally I wouldn't swear in a post title and I've tried to censor myself as much as possible in a hope to get more readers but drastic times call for drastic measures. 1 TRILLION IN NEW TAXES. Ok let me see if I have Obama's logic right. We have insane new government programs that are being created everyday taking us one step closer to a socialist dictatorship in this country (some would argue were already there, I'm not, yet...) and were in a deep recession that could turn into a depression. Scratch that, it WILL turn into a depression if this becomes law. And you heard it here on my blog first (maybe) at the rate were going by 2011 the dow could be at or below 1000. Yeah I said 1000, during the Great Depression the dow lost 89% of its value over a 3 year period, it didn't all happen on the crash date. Once (or more appropriately if) I get a job I am putting all my money in precious metals as a hedge against inflation. At this rate I'm going to milk this college thing as long as I can. Frankly I'm glad that I'm not like most of my old high school friends who are going into the job market this summer. Good luck guys, your REALLY going to need it. People remember 1968 for its left-wing violence and at the rate were going the summer of 2009 will be a right-wing equivalent with the tea parties that are going on during 4th of July preperations. I will be joining people in the streets, this is insane. We are tettering on the edge of financial disaster and with this fucking retarded proposal Obama didn't just push us off the cliff he got a running start and tackled us over the cliff because he's going to fall just like the economy. I only hope that when a new administration takes over in 2012-13 that there will be something left worth saving. Here are some predictions I have for the rest of the Obamanation Administration (I'm not a fortune teller but if I am right I would like to be able to have actual proof, not just I told you so. I'm already sick of saying that)

rest of 2009:

March: Dow hits 5000, panic selling, foreclosure rates skyrocket causing the devlopment of a new position in the administration, like a housing czaar or something (I think that might have already happened). Civil unrest starts slowly breaking out, there could be a Kazyncki or OKC type attack on a federal reserve office somewhere in the US (I AM NOT ADVOCATING THIS OK FBI!! I AM JUST WARNING YOU THIS COULD HAPPEN AND PREPARE YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY)

April: April 15th will be a gigantic mass protest day in all major US cities. People may start burning effiges of Obama and the government that got us into the mess, probably along with a few pictures of CEO's. This will cause a overreach by Obama and he will sign the assault weapons ban and urge Congress to pass a law requiring all handgun owners to register their weapons

May: Congress will debate and pass this (barely, fights may break out on the floor of the House like they do in Parliment sometimes). There will be great public outcry, a massive run on guns and soon Obama may think about confiscating guns from the people that were stupid enough to register.

June-August: People will start violently revolting in the streets, with some states broke the police may join in since they aren't getting paid. The National Guard will be called up and Martial Law could be instituted and if there really are those FEMA workcamps are for real they will start being used. In the meantime the US economy tanks and by August were at 10.5% unemployment with no signs of it letting up.

September-December: people begin hoarding food and start to become very isolationistic, militas start popping up all over the place


People are sick of unrest but are unsure to trust government especially since they are broke because China isn't funing our debt anymore. Our bonds become as toxic as sub-prime loans and the US government becomes insolvent. Unemployment may be as high as 20-30% now and people are thinking seriously about blockading DC. Many politicians walk everywhere with armed bodyguards now and elections are still managed to be held in november 2010 and either the republicans will win or a newly formed "teaparty" takes enough seats to have them play kingmaker for either party. They go along with possible impeachment proceedings but before that Obama suspends the constitution saying there will be no elections in 2012 for the "good of the people". By 2011 we are in a second revolutionary war, the only problem is one side has nukes now...

I can't speculate beyond that and I hope and pray to God that none of this happens but if it does I will say I told you so, while cleaning my double barrled shotgun that has already done a few people in.

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