Monday, April 13, 2009

Muff Diver is a child

Ok in all seriousness this is the BEST you MSNBC fucktards can do. "Hey were scared shitless of this populist uprising so we will make endless sexual innuendos about it because, well, were idiots and we all know that us liberals like lame humor." Note to blog readers under 16, please don't read any further. Now "teabagging" as it's known in the "urban community" is "lying ones testicles on the face or head of another for humor or sexual gratification." Ok it's not out of the Urban Dictionary but its mine. If you can stand to watch this video, and yes when some of the people said "teabag the white house" I admit I cringed and knew where it was going (I mean get with the time my Repubs, is it any wonder you've lost most of my generation?). Oh and to cap it off I love how she introduces the Air America correspondant like she was some nonpartisan source. This is unbelieveable. They don't even understand the Tea Party movement. RM is NOT funny! I seriously have tried to watch her show and she is unwatchable, not funny, and frankly a prick. They think this about tax rates? WTF?!? No dipshits this is about trillion dollar bailouts, coperate welfare, out of control Congressional spending (by BOTH SIDES), and the fact that I will be paying off this fucking debt until the day I die and then my kids and my grandkids will too. I have to say though that I didn't laugh one time at the Dyke, except at the fact that she is so childish she can't even keep her composure. Go teabag Olberdouche with that strapon you use with your partner lesbo. I'm sure he'd enjoy it.

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