Friday, June 26, 2009

Call me a heartless bastard...

But I DON'T CARE THAT MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD, THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS GOING ON IN THE WORLD NOW. Most notably North Korea threatening to nuke us. Mark Sanford is scum, although I will say that the timing of the release of this info is curious at best and suspicious at worst. Also protests continue in Iran but no the "King of Pop" is dead so the cable news and MSM will spend the next week jacking off to his death. I was never impressed with the creepy singer but he was ok I guess. Will this death change the world we live in? No, not in the least. So to the media I say fuck you and the next time I hear "ABC, 1,2,3" I might just snap.

1 comment:

kow/oakpack said...

Hearless Bastard. (j/k) It did help to cover the more important 'mad capper, trade global warming disaster fund bill' going through Congress.