Friday, June 12, 2009

Failblog/fml friday

yep here we go again...
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures
fail owned pwned pictures

now fml...
Today, my mom found a condom in my pocket while doing my laundry. Instead of having the subsequent discussion about the birds and the bees my mother simply asked "Who would have sex with you?" FML

Today, I was looking down at my paper in class and my spanish teacher asked if I was sleeping or not. I'm Asian. My eyes were open. FML

Today, during a text conversation with a girl I've been trying to get with, she complained about how crummy of a day she was having. I told her it couldn't be as bad as she thought, and she would probably get it over it soon. Then she told me she had found out her cousin had been murdered. FML

Today, My mom walked in on me and my 2 year crush about to have sex. When she saw us she said "oh I'll just wait outside, I know it wont be long anyway." FML

Today, my parents met my boyfriends parents for the first time. Bailing us out of jail. FML

Today, my mom walked in on me looking at a 1978 playboy. She asked if I found it in the basement. I said yes. Then I realized she was the centerfold. FML

Today, I had to tell my super-conservative parents that I had just gone to visit the boyfriend I'm not supposed to have so that I could tell him I am pregnant. FML

Today, I just studied for 13.5 hours completely outlining a book for history. Thirty minutes before the test, I realized I had been reading the wrong book. FML

Today, I drove into my school. Literally drove into my school. FML

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