Sunday, June 21, 2009

Iran's leaders be fucked

Seriously when you have a face a name and a message as a rallying cry for a revolution thats all you need. Neda was a young Iranaian student and apparently she was taken out by a Basjj sniper earlier today or yesterday possibly (its all starting to blur together honestly now). Here's a picture that's probably NSFW, children, or the weak-stomached.

and here's the caption for the picture from :
Undated image from a video being widely circulated on the internet via YouTube and Twitter Sunday June 21 2009 reportedly showing a badly injured girl identified as Neda. Like most of the information coming out of Tehran, it is impossible to verify her name or the circumstances of her injuries, captured close-up on a bystander's camera, but the gory images are fast becoming iconic in the on-going story from which mainstream international media have mostly been excluded . Iranian state media reported on Sunday 13 more deaths in confrontations between protesters and security forces and the government condemned key European powers for expressing concern about the disputed presidential election.

Here's why it's already over. Lines have been crossed. 70% of Iranians are under 30, in other words they weren't even born during the revolution of 1979 that brought the Shah down. They are Westernized. They don't view us or Israel as the "Great Satan" they kinda say live and let live to a certain extent. They have also gone to the rooftops all last week and even tonight I believe chanting "Allhu Ackbar" which means "God is Great" and they don't care if they die protesting, they would rather die than continue to live under this repressive Theocracy (people think we have one here, yeah, right...) and thats exactly what happened over every revolution that took place in the 20th century (this would be #1 for the 21st century, obviously). Since I am a student of history lets draw parallels to the revolutions last century.

1917, Russia: The Tsars/Czars have been in power for the last 4-5 centuries and have been, well, exteremely oppressive to the people and they finally have a leader (Lenin) that can wield enough power to overthrow the monarchy. They do and kill the families and put Lenin in charge. That works well for about 70 years until Boris Yeltsin comes around but lets look at some others first...

1949, China: With the Nationalists reeling still from WWII Mao Zedong is able to caputre more territory and declare China a People's Republic. Still stands to this day, for now that is.

1959, Cuba: Batista is a puppet of the US and the average Cuban has had it, they find a leader in Fidel Castro and have been fighting a Guerilla war for 18 months Batista bails and the Cubans still have communism. But it's better than Batista right?

1989/1992 Soviet Union: It's hard to say when exactly the revolution started and ended but amazing its the only revolution to date that has been done peacefully and through the ballot box not bullets and murder. The Berlin Wall is teared down by average German citizens when the police decide they cannot open fire on their fellow countrymen. Slowly but surely as states in the USSR are allowed to vote for the Party or the opposition an amazing thing happens. Parties that were form in 6 weeks (yes WEEKS not MONTHS even) started to beat the Communist Party. They get crushed, and one final attempt by the Politburo to regain control fails even after tanks storm the center when Boris Yeltsin reaches out to the soldiers and asks them who are they with.

1994, South Africa: A similar situation to the tanks being put into the politburo happens after Nelson Mandela is elected president after spending a quarter century in jail. There was violence in this because of the violent oppression of the blacks for so long but Mandela prevented a similar slaughter of the whites by telling them in essence a Ghandi like saying, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and relative peace is restored to South Africa. They're even getting the World Cup next year which is a very big deal for still what many consider a 3rd World country.

All I ask you is do you see similarities between these situations above and the one in Iran? I do. And if I was anyone close to the Supreme Leader I would be fueling a jet now to get the fuck out of there. Because if they don't sometime this or next week you will see them strung up on street posts dead or dying. I would bet my life savings on that.

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