Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The last honest voice on the left...

Has to be Camille Paglia and her bi-monthly column in Salon. She is still an ardent Obama supporter but here's what makes her different from 90% of the rest of the media. She critiques and outright criticizes him as noted in this paragraph below.

Within the U.S., the Obama presidency will be mainly measured by the success or failure of his economic policies. And here, I fear, the monstrous stimulus package with which this administration stumbled out of the gate will prove to be Obama's Waterloo. All the backtracking and spin doctoring in the world will not erase that major blunder, which made the new president seem reckless, naive and out of control of his own party, which was in effect dictating to him from Capitol Hill. The GOP has failed thus far to gain traction only because it is trudging through a severe talent drought. But the moment is ripe for an experienced businessman to talk practical, prudent economics to the electorate -- which is why Mitt Romney's political fortunes are steadily being resurrected from the grave.

I couldn't agree more. During the campaign season I nearly threw my weight behind Romney but I was a Rudy supporter early on and stayed with him until the bitter end. I didn't like Romney for one reason and one reason only, the sterotype factor. Face it, in a election about "change" why would our party nominate a sterotypical (albeit also Mormon) business man and run him up against Obama? We wouldn't have won a fucking state probably, although with the economy playing a factor towards the end who knows. All I know is that I do like Romney in 2012 because we have gone from needing a general in office to a honest to goodness businessman. If the primary was held today I'd probably vote for Romney. As it stand now he has my support, not to mention I do think he could destroy Obama in a debate because he is smart and very articulate.


Anonymous said...

Bush was businessman, he had an MBA, and the economy failed VERY poorly. We do not need a businessman in the presidency, we need someone with the ability to govern for the people, and not for an ideology.

Ben said...

well we got a populist Marxist in now anon so lets see how that works out...

K-Rod said...

If something did a poor job of failing, then it must have done a fair job at success.