Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Radical Islam is OUR enemy part 1...

This part is inspired (the second or third one) from Sequels ongoing ripping of Islam, radical or not. I cannot claim credit for this article but I highly suggest any readers I have (and I'm well aware that's between 0-5) should read it too.

This week is the 5th anniversary of the Beslan atrocity.

A group of dedicated Muslims, filled with love for Allah and their prophet, and an almost inconceivable hate for infidels murdered hundreds of innocent children.
First they stormed a school on opening day, took all the students, teachers and parents hostage. They rounded up all the hostages, promptly shot any men, and crowded all the rest into the gym. They rigged the perimeter with explosives, and placed a larger bomb in a bucket suspended from the ceiling. A kill-switch was rigged for the foot of one pious Muslim who sat and rocked for days reading the Koran out loud in a mumble.

This all happened in the middle of a heat wave, the hostages mostly just little kids, were left to swelter on the gym floor. They were given no food or water for 3 days, even though the drinking fountains were just outside the gym in the hallway. As they dehydrated they sucked on their underwear moistened with their own urine. The children were beaten and humiliated.
Many of the girls (the oldest were about 14) were gang raped, sodomized and defiled with object such as rifles. Some of these girls bled out on the gym floor from these attacks.
Brutality and viciousness toward the innocents that most of can’t really comprehend.

Then something happened; the Russians stormed to school, or the Muslims just started killing, to this day no one is sure which, but the jihadists set off the bombs, instantly killing scores of the hostages. The surviving children ran in all directions in panic, and the jihadists scum began to shoot them in the back as they fled. Little. Fucking. Kids. 144 teachers, parents, soldiers and rescuers died.
186 children murdered for Allah.

Take a good look. This is the enemy. These people, with this ideology, are who we fight. This ideology, this religion, these followers of this prophet and god who does not just condone this, no, a god who demands the barbaric slaughter of innocents because they are outsiders; this is who we fight.

They don't want their grievances heard, they’re not looking for terms, they want you dead. They want to rule the world. Listen to them they’ll tell you if you’ll just listen.
Soldiers, civilians, men, women, and children: they don’t care, we are all infidels, and we all must die, they have no compassion for you, or your six-year-old son.

Take a good look at the enemy.

Let's not forget the pics...

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