Tonight it appears Facebook may have closed down a controversial webpage titled "Everybody Draw Mohammad Day." The page, which had gained over 100,000 supporters as of 7:00 PM EST is at this time unavailable and the +10,000 user-posted depictions of the Muslim prophet have been taken down with it. Facebook cited earlier today that the page underwent a glitch that rendered it temporarily unavailable, but they have yet to comment on the latest interruption. This page was created in the spirit of the 1st Amendment rights we all enjoy. In the page's information area the creator stated that the page's goal was to rebuke the extremist factions of Islam that seek to abolish the rights of free speech and to show those factions that their threats of death and violence will not stifle those rights. It was also stated that it was not the intent of the page to offend the peace-loving majority of Muslims throughout the world. While members of both sides of this conflict used the page as a platform to spew vitriol, instead of moderating the page and removing inappropriate comments and photos, Facebook shut down the entire page and effectively infringed the freedom of speech rights of 100,000+ people. This act of censorship is utterly preposterous and Facebook should be ashamed of giving into the threats of extremist elements. Facebook has allowed a page titled "EVERYBODY DRAW HOLOCAUST DAY" to continue on the site and while this is a most disturbing page that calls Hitler "The Great Champion" it exists because its creator has the right to free speech. If Facebook continues it's discriminatory practice of silencing those in opposition to extremist Muslim factions, the extremism of those groups will only be bolstered and they will have won an important ideological battle. Contact Facebook and tell them to immediately begin honoring the free speech rights of ALL Facebook users.
First off to whoever wrote this CALM THE FUCK DOWN MORON! It's back up and good God yes this is a sensitive issue but jesus fucking christ man wait a little while before you go batshit crazy. The site is back up man so lets have some fun. Here are some of my favorite pics (there are over 10,000)
Veronique, I initially had mixed feelings about Everybody Draws Mohammed Day. Provocation for its own sake is one of the dreariest features of contemporary culture, but that's not what this is about. Nick Gillespie's post reminds us that the three most offensive of the "Danish cartoons" — including the one showing Mohammed as a pig —were not by anyJyllands-Posten cartoonists but were actually faked by Scandinavian imams for the purposes of stirring up outrage among Muslims. As Mr Gillespie says:
It is nothing less than amazing that holy men decrying the desecration of their religion would create such foul images, but there you have it. It is as if the pope created “Piss Christ” and then passed it off as the work of critics of Catholicism.
So, if it really is a sin to depict Mohammed, then these imams will be roasting in hell. (Unless, of course, taqqiya permits Muslims to break their own house rules for the purpose of sticking it to the infidels.)
But, that aside, the clerics' action underlines what's going on: the real provocateurs are the perpetually aggrieved and ever more aggressive Islamic bullies — emboldened by the silence of "moderate Muslims" and the preemptive capitulation of western media. I was among a small group of columnists in the Oval Office when President Bush, after running through selected highlights from a long list of Islamic discontents, concluded with an exasperated: "If it's not the Crusades, it's the cartoons." That'd make a great bumper sticker: It encapsulsates both Islam's inability to move on millennium-in millennium-out, plus the grievance-mongers' utter lack of proportion.
I'm bored with death threats. And, as far as I'm concerned, if that's your opening conversational gambit, then any obligation on my part to "cultural sensitivity" and "mutual respect" is over. The only way to stop this madness destroying our liberties is (as Ayaan Hirsi Ali puts it) to spread the risk. Everybody Draws Mohammed Day does just that. Various websites are offering prizes. I only wish we could track down those sicko Danish imams* who drew their prophet as a pig, and send them the trophy.
(*PS If I seem somewhat obsessed by this point, it's because the Government of Alberta spent three years investigating my friend Ezra Levant for publishing the (authentic) Motoons, and, despite the cost to taxpayers, assigned a halfwit apparatchik to grill him about the cartoons who didn't even know that what she called the three "worst" ones were fakes.)
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