Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ok so it seems EVERYONE has an opinion about bullying these days and the recent suicides of gay teens has brought national media attention to it. I am sad that it took a couple of gay kids offing themselves for people to pay attention finally, this has to have been a major issue for at least a decade and has only gotten worse since technology has advanced. You may sense a little tension in my tone and you would be right. I was bullied as a kid growing up, I have told very few people this (I'm not sure if I've even told my parents) but from ab out 12-14 I thought about suicide CONSTANTLY. My friends at school, the few that I had, were little help and my life was a living hell. Honestly the only reason I didn't attempt it is because I am an only child and I thought it wouldn't be fair to my parents leaving them childless. Yes that is exactly what I thought, if I had a brother or sister I could very well not be here writing this today. Let me be clear while I view the gay kids commiting suicide as tragic I think a person who is being builled for being fat, tiny, geeky is JUST AS TRAGIC. I have never been a fan of the LBGT community and it seems that they are mostly using these suicides as a tool to push their agenda. I will not let them co-opt this. BULLYING OF ANY TYPE IS 100% WRONG AND NEVER EXCUSABLE PERIOD END OF STORY.
Some tips I have for kids out there if they are reading this is to get a support group. The next bit of advice I never totally went through but I wish I had because it could have made my life a lot easier in the long run, knock the fucker out. Yeah you heard me, if a kid is bullying you take a stand and punch him/her. This will draw attention to this and it will help in the long run trust me. Finally go to your parents and a teacher if nothing else works.
And honestly guys and girls who are being bullied it may not even seem to make sense what I am about to say but trust me it usually works out this way. You WILL be stronger for this in the end, ok I know there are a few amount of people who crawl up and be pushed around for the rest of their life but they are just weak. I know that may seem cold but whatever, if you have read this blog at all you know I am not PC. You will have so much self-confidence that its almost hard to describe.
Also, you have to stand up for other people too, if you see bullying happening go over and stop it because remember how you felt? It sucks doesn't it and how great would it have felt if someone came to your aid? You probably would have made a new friend and by doing this you may make a new friend possibly.
Folks, take a stand against ALL BULLYING. Don't let the fags co-opt this thing that would be wrong.

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