Sunday, May 22, 2005

my new campaign...

getting away from politics, I am on a campaign now to expose PETA for what they are, basically a bunch of hippie domestic terrorists. I'm all for animal welfare, but animals have NO RIGHTS. Hear that you stupid hippies, who are by the way probably the most mentally disabled part of the mentally disabled group.

1 comment:

The Zombieslayer said...

I love animals too. They taste wonderful.
PETA are a bunch of wackos. They've gone after my favorite band - Judas Priest - for having an album called Hell Bent for Leather. I'd just love to see some gays beat the crap out of them for that. That would be hilarious.
They've also gone after the Green Bay Packers for having the name Packers. Oh no. How horrible. Get this, they actually campaigned the Packers to change their name. To what?
The Green Bay Foo Foo Bunnies? The Green Bay I'm a trust fund baby with too much time on my hands so I'll take up animal rights?

Now, PETA has done some cool stuff. I'll give them that. They have hot actresses who threaten to walk around nekkid if they won't be taken seriously. Awesome.
But if you want to start a campaign against PETA Ben, I'm in your corner. And this is coming from someone who proudly wore the badge of environmentalist before it was cool.