Saturday, June 18, 2005

PETA employees charged with animal cruelty

Man this story would be very funny if it wasn't so sad and true (ironic too if I might add) the story from PETA employees charged with animal cruelty. Now this is the ultimate form of irony, and hypocricy for that matter. Shouldn't PETA not want to euthanize animals? But apparently I'm too dumb to understand the inner workings of this thorughly retarded (and mentally disabled) group. Oh by the way hippies I just had ribs and 1.5 lbs of a rib roast. Suck on it.


tshsmom said...

I almost wish there was a PETA chapter near here so I could picket THEM!!!

Ben said...

yea feeding prisoners better than our troops really means we have a problem with human rights; nevermind the enemy that likes to cut off peoples head just to see their heads roll, yes we are the all evil USA, we can't possibly do anything right... and animal rights is retarded, I'm for animal welfare but they don't have rights.

The Zombieslayer said...

Ben - I have a PETA member story for you. A female friend of mine, Laura, was driving with four other girls including a PETA member. As a person, this PETA member was nice. Not very rational, but a decent human being.

This happened in Texas by the way, where all the roads are elevated. This road in particular, Budde Road, is elevated in a way that if you go off the road, there's a pretty good chance you die.

Well, a squirrel jumped in front of Laura's car. Ms PETA member complained to Laura non-stop that they should have swerved to miss it instead of simply slamming on the brakes (not in time - squirrel dead). Laura said that had they swerved, there was a good chance they would have gone off the road and died. Ms PETA member said better they die than the squirrel.

Scary thing is, she wasn't joking. Hey, I think I'll post that on my blog. Thanks for the idea, Ben.

Ben said...

ZS, no prob, just returning the favor for you tagging me.

The Zombieslayer said...

Paul - I'm pretty private about my religious beliefs, so I'll answer on a more scientific basis. Some animals are definitely higher than others. A bug in my house is a dead bug and I feel no remorse whatsoever about it.

The majority of living organisms have no idea of their own sentience (sp?). Those animals I have no guilt at all killing and eating. Birds I have no problem hunting and eating. Chickens and cows are stupid. I have no problems eating them. I enjoy pork, but with some guilt because pigs are somewhat smart. I have no problem testing on rats. They have no rights as far as I'm concerned. But I do have a problem testing on monkeys.

Dogs and elephants know they're going to die. And I think dolphins are close to humans when it comes to intelligence. At least dolphins are smarter than a lot of people I know.

So, that's as well as I could answer your question, if what I said makes any sense.

Ben said...

Paul, here's another point we actually agree on, I can't stand the "fasionableness" (is that even a word?) of religion now. Now I know we are both "Catholics" but I know I consider myself non-denominational christian (for those of you who are wondering that is the furthest I will elaborate about my religious beliefs) and I think your in the same boat. The people in the Republican party that are trying to hijack it (cough, cough Religious Right) get really annoying sometimes. I feel like Fawell and Co. are more of a liability than an asset at this point for the conservative movement. Hopefully these people will realize to just shut up sometimes, we don't need to be preached to constantly.