Friday, July 15, 2005

Another great example of liberal tolerance...

Wow, Sen. Robert "KKK" Byrd's cronines have sunk to a new low. Which is really saying something for people that tried to do and say ANYTHING, almost to the point of slander, to get Bush out of the White House and Kerry in. Courtesy of Newsmax...

Sen. Byrd Supporters Hijack Rival's Web Site

If you decided Friday morning that you wanted to give your support to Rep. Shelly Moore Capito's run against Sen. Robert Byrd, and you went to her Web site,, you would have gotten a rude surprise:

You would be at Robert Byrd's re-election Web site.

That's because apparent GOP-hating hackers hijacked Capito's site and redirected the traffic to Byrd's Web Site.

Byrd's webmasters have fixed the problem, however, putting this message up in place of Capito's site:

At least someone who supports Byrd has decency.

Hopefully though the damage has been done. And we all know the liberal media will try to bury this story (kinda like the Turbin comments) but the bolgosphere will keep it going. Imagine if a republican had done this to a democrat. It would have been the lead story on all major news networks the next day. Liberals preach tolerance but they sure as hell don't practice it, espically when it comes to conservatives.


Ben said...

maybe so, but still Paul, this goes back to when local dems slashed tires of get out the vote vans for the GOP. Sorry our side doesn't do this shit. Or if they do we tell them that we don't need to beat up the democrats, they do a great job without our help.

Ben said...

Paul, I challenge you to find Bush supporters doing similar things over the last two election cycles. Seriously, find an article and then I'll shut up. Until then I'll continue my partisan rant.