Saturday, July 23, 2005

just checking in...

Right now, I am typing this post on my cousins laptop here in Washington DC, with 2 of my cousins and 3 of their friends and two dogs in an apartment that isn't terribly big. It is fun though, today after coming in I took a nap then I came over and went to the Vietnam, Korean and World War II memorial. It is hot here in DC like it still is back home and I will leave on tuesday for Naggs Head/ Killdevil Hills, North Carolina to visit my 3rd cousin. Their all guys in their 20's, very fun to be around. I'll be checking in tommorow with another update after me and my Uncle get back from the Nationals game.


The Zombieslayer said...

Cool. Hope you are having a wonderful time. I have yet to go to our nation's capital.

tshsmom said...

There's a lot less open space out east, isn't there? Never thought the Cities would look spacious, did you? Have fun, Ben. Stay hydrated and use sunscreen!