Wednesday, July 13, 2005

nice freaking hot day out...

5pm here in the Twin Cities and our thermometer is reading 94F!!!!!!!!!! Argh, and if that's not bad enough, after hanging out at the pool reading the new anti-Hillary book all afternoon I get to referee 2 soccer games this evening. At least I am going to make about $60 doing it (yes, soccer referees are paid VERY well up here). The worst part about the weather is, no relief in sight, at least not until around Monday. Well I was sick of the storms but now I kinda wish they were coming. Kinda a catch-22 eh tshsmom? You guys burning up there too?


tshsmom said...

Yup! Thank God for AC!

The Zombieslayer said...

Okay you two. You have nothing to complain about. Got up to 110 here yesterday. Won't be much better today and they raised their parking fees again so we're walking in this heat.

tshsmom said...

Yeah, but we're heat wusses. Minnesotans are built for snow and ice!

Ben said...

ZS, to be fair you guys are used to it. This is a heatwave for us dude, and this is heat with humidity not the dry heat you guys get up there. At least your getting exercise ;). Was Arnold the one that raised fees or was it the city there? Just curious.

The Zombieslayer said...

No, it was the city who raised fees, despite thousands of signatures against it.