Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm laying down the partisanship...

I will not bash liberals, well more specifically I will not bash the sane ones. The Bush bashing ones I will not tolerate and rip. Even though I don't like everything the government is doing I want to support them even though it's very hard now. I will not bash them because I believe that they are doing everything that they can right now. It just so happens that it's not close to the effort that is actually needed. But as Savage just said, "Where are the airlifts, Sharon did this 2 weeks ago emptying Gaza with troops in cargo planes, why can't the government fill those with food, water and medical supplies and bring it down there." I agree, remind me again why the hell we pay taxes? This is the best argument I have seen for a flat tax EVER. Just watch TV for christ sakes!

One area I am not laying down is the government and oil companies raping us up the wazoo (holy shit I sounded like a liberal there!). I took an eco class last year and this is simple supply and demand. Oil is at like $68 a barrel now, when it was this high before the hurricane gas was at oh $2.20-$2.40. Now, gas here is $2.98-$3.20, I smell a massive fix and conspiracy here. Espically considering that the gas that we are getting now was refined BEFORE KATRINA!!!!! Hello, as Savage says, "Wake up sheeple, before you have no rights!" Truer words were never spoken.

Pray for everyone in the Southeast, because the government isn't doing a fucking thing and the private charities aren't there yet because they can't get there. This is so bad, but it could get so much worse.

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