Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Why I hate republicans...

Well not all of them, I don't even really consider myself a republican, I tend to lean more conservative libertarian (i.e. I don't care if your gay just leave the hanky panky to gay clubs and your homes/apartments) but reading what some of my anti-strib buddies are saying they are getting hammered by the "everything Bush says is right" club. I tend to hate these people more than the dems because it's so damn aggravating. At least with a liberal/democrat I know I oppose everything they stand for. I don't oppose everything these guys stand for yet when they tell me I'm wrong because I want to do something as drastic as disagree with Bush I want to tell them to go fuck themselves because we live in a democracy. I agree with 50-60% of what Bush says, I supported him last year because by now if Kerry was in office French would be the official language of this country. That is why I will support whoever they nominate in 2008 because unless something drastic happens Hillary will be the nominee and boy do I ever hate that bitch. So finally to everyone who think whatever Bush says is correct I will tell them 3 things. One, shut up. Two, listen to 3 hours of Michael Savage and tell me he's wrong. And three, don't give another dime to these bastards until they stop spitting on the party base, I have wanted to contribute but refuse to because they're not doing what I put them in office to do.


The Zombieslayer said...

Bush lost me in two ways, 1) he said he'd sign the renewal of the Clinton Gun Ban if it was put on his desk, 2) he seems to like illegal aliens better than Americans.

Wally Banners said...

French lmao gj.