Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tagged by ZS...

Ok, I was tagged...

1) I am a libertarian. That means in today's society I vote Republican because I have a brain and voting for true libertarians is just stupid. Which is why I think Ron Paul is setting back libertarianism by about 20-30 years. I am very anti-government intervention but unlike true libertarians I know it is a necessary evil. I am for small limited government and I don't like taxes but I believe there should be a flat tax (go look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about). I am very pissed off right now because outside of Rudy there is no one even close to me in the political idealolgy.

2) I am a HUGE sports fan, and I have been since the age of six. I like football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and hockey (in that order). I love all 3 levels of the sports, high school, college, and pro. I am very depressed about the fact that all my local teams suck now, with the exception of the Wild, I mean its really tough being a sports fan here in Minnesota. I am personally rooting for the Rockies to win it all because I think it would be fun to see them win and they are damn hot right now.

3) I am probably one of the most politically incorrect people you will ever meet. ZS can attest to this. Obviously we live in a PC society today and I basically say, "fuck that" (I also swear a lot, more on that in a later section) to the conventional "wisdom" of todays society. Also people need to seriously lighten up, people take things way too literally today. If were not careful we will end up like our enemy, those are people that need to laugh. Seriously, radical Islam has no sense of humor and those people take things way too literally but I digress.

4) I can be a very trustworty person. I almost always keep my word and I am a very loyal boyfriend (as a sidenote, yes I am dating this one girl and have been for the past 2+ months and things are going well) and I can and do keep secrets.

5) I am a student. Not necessacerily a good one but one nonetheless. I am getting better and I hope to be going to the University of Minnesota by next school year. I have friends at school that I hang out with sometimes on the weekends.

6) I am what you would call a person of faith but not religious. I was raised Catholic (don't get me started) and I consider myself non-denominational christian now. I'm not quite sure what to believe but I do believe in Heaven and Hell and good and evil (I am NOT a moral relativist). I am really not sure what to and what not to believe in the Bible because even though it is claimed to have been it was not written by God, it was written by humans and by that fact it is incorrect.

7) On a ligther note I am a videogame nut. I have bought Madden the last 6 years in a row and I love just about any sports or shooting (FPS) games. I mainly play on my PS2, hopefully a PS3 soon, and I just love it.

I'm not going to continue to tag people because I don't know many people here. Also I'm going to do a topic post later tonight.


Anonymous said...

1. I'm registered Green just to get 4 parties on the ballot. I think 4 choices is better than 3, and 3 is better than 2, and 2 is better than 1.

I'll be voting for Ron Paul, whether or not he wins the primary. I can't do the lesser of two evils crap. I just can't do it. Ron Paul is excellent on Constitutional issues and just about the only thing he and I disagree on is I'm pro-choice, but that's not a big enough of an issue to me to not vote for him.

2. Sports is awesome. As you know, I'm huge Packer fan. I probably put basketball next because I love to play it, but I don't really follow it.

3. Political Correctness needs to die. I need to do more posts making fun of it.

4. Congrads on the girlfriend.

5. I hope it works out for you.

6. I'm Christian, but more like a Christian-lite. I don't think God takes it all too seriously. I don't think we were meant to either. I think God sees us more like we see bugs. They're neat to watch for a few minutes, but boring after awhile. Plus, there are hundreds of other planets and I'm sure somewhere out there, there's more interesting life than us.

7. I won't play videogames. If I did, nothing would get done. For example, the night we got Legend of Zelda, I was up until 7:30 A.M. playing it.

Libertarian Jason said...

So how do you expect to every get what you want if you don't vote for "real" libertarians (whatever that means).

Do you think that if you just wish upon a magic star that liberty will rain down from the heavens?

And this is what "having a brain" is all about? Go figure.