Wednesday, February 11, 2009

afternoon thoughts...

Well I have had a lot on my mind lately and if I can concentrate enough I will TRY to read through the "stimulus" bill sometime today or tomorrow (yes all 7-800 pages of it) and give my amatuer analysis. I looked at the Star Tribune this morning and it said and I quote:

2 Trillion?

yes folks, even the strib is turning on the Obamamessiah. Maybe journalism isn't dead after all.

Now to a much more significant issue, the Fairness Doctrine. Remember how during the election the left was like, "The right-wing talkshow hosts are trying to scare their listeners into voting Republican because they say we will bring the Fairness Doctrine back, we wouldn't dream of that."

Clearly that message did not get to href="">Sens. Debbie Stabinow and Tom Harkin. I will not go into detail about the hypocricy but part of me hopes that they do try and push this because I really think that there will be a massive public backlash on this. The left is drunk with power and they are nowhere near sobering up; some Obama supporters are but the DC elitest crowd hasn't even left the bar yet. My message to anyone who is opposed to this is to flood those two senators offices with emails, calls and letters and ask them, nicely please, why they don't like freedom of speech and free markets. Just that, because the "Fairness Doctrine" is the anthesis of both of those principles. Folks, the road to Liberal Fascism has begun.

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