Friday, February 13, 2009

because if you can't laugh your going to cry...

And now for something completley different (sort of). We all need a little humor people and who else but the Onion to provide it for us. They may tilt left but as you can see with this list Obama is more than fair game to them which in today's world is quite refreshing.

Obama's first 100 days, through day 23...

DAY 23: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano awkwardly enters the Oval Office while President Obama is doing his Napolitano impersonation.

DAY 22: President Obama asks aides to alert him immediately if the Mutant Registration Act is introduced in Congress.

DAY 21: For the third time, the Joint Chiefs of Staff ask President Obama not to leave fantasy miniatures on war map.

DAY 20: Joe Biden clears his schedule to oversee the installation of four video poker machines in the Naval Observatory.

DAY 19: After a tense afternoon holed up in the Situation Room, President Obama finally locates that old pack of Lyndon Johnson's Benson & Hedges.

DAY 18: In one of many historic firsts, Barack Obama becomes the first black president to TiVo MythBusters.

DAY 17: Hillary Clinton meets with Haitian president René Préval, who demands U.S. provide Haiti a sandwich by 2010.

DAY 16: Obama's "First 100 Days Dilbert Desk Calendar" still on day five.

DAY 15: Eighty-eight-year-old Justice John Paul Stevens informs Obama administration of decision to die in office, effective Mar. 1.
DAY 14: Taco Tuesday

DAY 13: President Obama meets with Vermont governor Jim Douglas and is saddened to find that he is not the creator of Garfield.

DAY 12: A nice little lazy Sunday for the president. Maybe read a book, watch a movie, whatever.

DAY 11: Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget reads former director of the White House Office of Management and Budget's memoirs.

DAY 10: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Donovan wonders if they mean "urban" like "city" or "urban" like "black."

DAY 9: Impressionist Rich Little sits in a bathrobe on the floor of his one-bedroom apartment trying to figure out how to say "I am not a crook" like Barack Obama.

DAY 8: Rahm Emanuel's "open door" policy is severely tested by political director Patrick Gaspard's repeated claims that someone is taking Splenda packets from the jar on his desk.

DAY 7: After figuring out a comprehensive solution for the economic crisis in a dream, President Obama issues an executive order requisitioning a fleet of freight liners and 147,000 tons of eggplant.

DAY 6: Joe Biden spends the day sitting on a couch in the Oval Office, saying he "just wants to watch."

DAY 5: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack spends another day worried that his unanimous confirmation means people have forgotten what a hell-raiser he was as mayor of Mount Pleasant, IA.

DAY 4: Former treasury secretary Henry Paulson is discovered sleeping next to the boiler in the White House basement.

DAY 3: Obama takes a few minutes to fill out the change of address card for his Popular Mechanics subscription.

DAY 2: Suddenly everyone in the Roosevelt Room looks around and realizes: yes, this will be the seating arrangement for the next four years.

DAY 1: In one of his first acts as president, Obama begins the process of closing down the CIA prisons that he knows about.

Gotta love satire, if we ever lose the ability to make fun of our "leaders" in this country were fucked.

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