Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ok this will be my last political post (hopefully) for a day or two. I'm not just a one trick pony and I will prove that over my next few posts. Anyway, my final thing on the "stimulus bill" that I grabbed off of (don't judge me here people) I know its a partisan site but I see no reason on why they would lie on this list, it would only come back to hurt them, so here it is.

-- $100 million for the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program
-- $200 million to the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program
-- $300 million for "Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs"
-- $900 million for the IRS for the "Limitation on Administrative Expenses"
-- $1 million for the Railroad Retirement Board for administrative costs
-- $2 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Act
-- $50 million for Health and Human Services to carry out injury prevention programs
-- $1.1 billion for studies on the effectiveness of different medical treatments -- $200 million to upgrade labs and facilities for the Department of Agriculture "to improve workplace safety and mission-area efficiencies"
-- $10 million for urban canal inspection
-- $16 billion to pay for student financial aid
-- $1 billion to pay for the U.S. Census
-- $600 million to pay for a fuel-efficient federal auto fleet
-- $650 million for the Digital Converter Box Program to help the constantly delayed transition from analog television
-- $485 million to the Forest Service for "hazardous fuels reduction and hazard mitigation activities in areas at high risk of catastrophic wildfire"
-- Up to $1 billion for "summer activities" for youths as old as 24
-- $40 million for the occupational research agenda
-- $3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control wellness programs and vaccinations
-- $410 million for Indian health facilities
-- $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstrations

ok, so granted thats only $31.38 Billion out of a $789 Billion ( package but there is a bunch of stuff in there that is just waiting to be uncovered. Well I'm off to draft a letter to Obama about how he is fucking me, my kids and my grandkids (it will be up by the end of next week, I promise). Review on the movie Idocracy should be up either tonight or tomorrow.

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