Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Labour party loses the Sun's endorsement
TWELVE years ago, Britain was crying out for change from a divided, exhausted Government. Today we are there again.
In 1997, "New" Labour, shorn of its destructive hard-Left doctrines and with an energetic and charismatic leader, seemed the answer. Tony Blair said things could only get better, and few doubted him. But did they get better? Well, you could point to investment in schools and shorter hospital waiting lists and say yes, some things did - a little.
But the real story of the Labour years is one of under-achievement, rank failure and a vast expansion of wasteful government interference in everyone's lives.
Nobody can doubt the dedication of Gordon Brown - or the love and loyalty of his wife Sarah, who delivered a moving plea on his behalf yesterday.
But nor can they disguise the failures of Labour in Government over the last 12 years, many of them embarrassingly laid bare by the PM's own words yesterday.
Britain feels broken . . . and the Government is out of excuses.
Blair took office with bulging coffers, an invincible majority and weak opposition, and he and Gordon Brown could have worked miracles.
But they FAILED on law and order, their mantra "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" becoming a national joke. Knife murders are soaring. Smirking criminals routinely walk free in the name of political correctness, while decent people live in a virtual police state of snooping cameras and petty officials empowered to spy and to punish.
Labour FAILED on schools. Yes, facilities improved - but four in 10 kids leave those shiny classrooms still unable to read, write or add up properly. We are plummeting down international league tables for maths and literacy, but every year "grade inflation" ensures record GCSE and A-level passes to fuel Government propaganda.
Labour FAILED on health - spending billions on clipboard-ticking target managers instead of on frontline care.
Labour FAILED on immigration, opening our borders without any regard to the consequences. Illegal migrants and bogus asylum seekers poured in.
Labour FAILED the children they claimed to have made their priority. After 12 years of Blair and Brown, Britain is officially the WORST country in the developed world in which to grow up.
Most disgracefully of all, Labour FAILED our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving them to die through chronic under-funding and the shambolic leadership of dismal Defence Secretaries like Bob Ainsworth.
As our forces in two war zones suffered, the scale of Government waste at home was mind-boggling and tragic:
Billions blown employing a useless layer of public service middle-managers like those who condemned Baby P to die.
Billions more spent, insanely, making benefits more lucrative than a pay cheque - creating a huge, idle underclass for whom work is a dirty word. And all along the Government has had one overriding concern: Itself.
Blair and Brown's puerile feud has long been a cancer at the heart of New Labour, their divisions often paralysing the country.
Labour's driving ambition has not been to improve Britain. It has been to retain power at all costs - with no lie judged too great in its ruthless and relentless self-promotion.
They promised a referendum on Europe. They claimed they had ended "boom and bust". They tried to con the public with promises of endless investment, when they knew they would have to cut.
At the 2005 election, we and our readers believed Labour had many failings but gave them one last chance over a lacklustre Tory party.
They have had that chance and failed.
Britain needs a brave and wise Government to restore our self-respect, our natural entrepreneurship and the will of every family to improve its lot through its own efforts, without depending on handouts.
We need a Government that will cut the red tape strangling businesses, that will make affordable tax cuts to stimulate growth, that will reform wasteful public services.
We need a Government with a genuine will to win the war in Afghanistan and the commitment to give our forces whatever they need to do it.
This will not be a Government that merely talks the talk, as Labour has. It will ACT.
We hope, and pray, that the next Government will have the guts and the determination to do these things. And we believe David Cameron should lead it.
Between now and the election Cameron's Conservatives must earn voters' trust by setting out their promising policies in detail.
If elected, Cameron must use the same energy and determination with which he reinvigorated the Tory Party to breathe new life into Britain.
That means genuine, radical change to encourage self-improvers, not wasting time on internal party wrangling or pandering to the forces of political correctness. It also means an honesty and transparency of Government that we have not seen for years.
We are still a great people and, put to the test, will respond to the challenges we face.
The Sun believes - and prays - that the Conservative leadership can put the great back into Great Britain.
Note, the bold print is NOT my emphasis, it's the Sun's
Chicago Beating Video | **SHOCKING** Derrion Albert's DEATH
And they want to have the 2016 olympics?! Hey Obama maybe you should have continued to be a community organizer because the city is still a massive pile of SHIT! Twin Cities for the 2020 Olympics. I hope that if the IOC had already awarded them the olympics they would revoke it now. Not that Rio would be much better. What a great group of people. I hope whoever did this gets shanked and raped to death in prison, they deserve nothing less.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Why I truly hate the left
Few movies released in recent years--or, let's be honest, ever--look as abysmal as I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, a beer-and-boobs-saturated bro flick that came out Friday. Based on the book of the same name, the movie is a vehicle for popular blogger Tucker Max, whose claim to fame, put bluntly, is thinking that he's totally awesome because he parties and sleeps with women (allegedly). Lots of women (allegedly). And then, he writes about it. His blog, Tuckermax.com, begins with the salutation, "My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole." Charming. And among his most famous "stories," as he calls them, are ones titled "Tucker tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue" and "The Blowjob Follies." The new movie, which is a memoir of Max's antics, includes a character asking, "You're saying that Magic Johnson is black and has AIDS and has it better than me?" Not surprisingly, in the lead-up to the film's release, there were heated discussions about his deplorable, sexist, painfully unfunny humor, and even protests at his public events. (He told the LA Times, though, that he doesn't care about the "[k]ooks and trolls and haters" that don't like him. Again, charming.)
While I'm all for free speech, people enjoying sex, and, yes, even (good) bromance humor, the fact that Max has a New York Times bestselling book--the cover of which depicts a photo of a blonde woman draped on him with the words "Your face here" where hers should be--and a movie--which includes the line "fat girls aren't real people"--is nauseating. And yet, my reaction to him runs deeper than that. Why does he inspire more than just fury in me? Why does Tucker Max make me sad?
Let me share a story. On New Year's Eve 2005, I went to a party in New York City, hosted by the Princeton Club. Lo and behold, the featured celebrity guest of the evening was none other than Tucker Max (because, apparently, the club couldn't spring for Andy Dick). The place was a madhouse--lots of very drunk young banker-types swarming with lots of very drunk young women, one of whom, in a teeny gold dress, accidentally yet happily flashed the room several times. A friend I was with spotted Max and wanted to introduce herself. I followed along.
Max was unremarkable--average height, average build, average looks. He was underdressed. The most notable thing about him was his air of nonchalance. On the one hand, I could argue that it was reasonable for him to give off the "I don't give a rip about this party" vibe--it was, after all, a mindless affair. But his vibe reeked mostly of "I don't need to give a rip, because I'm Tucker Max, and my life is about not giving a rip." Even the lovely brunette--whom, as I recall, had posed or was soon to be posing for Maxim--and the entourage of dudes who'd showed up with Max didn't really seem to interest him. He just seemed bored.
In an attempt to strike up conversation--because, warmed by some Bacardi O, I thought, "Why not?"--I told him that I went to Duke, where he had gone to law school. He told me he didn't think a whole lot of the university (a point he reiterated recently) or the student newspaper where I worked, which had just interviewed him. I talked more about journalism or some other general topic. He nodded a lot. There were awkward pauses. He wore a permanent smirk.
I admit that my memory is muddled--it was, after all, four years ago, and we'd all had cocktails--so I won't put words in the man's mouth, but he soon conveyed to me that I talked too much and that guys, all of them, don't like that. (A perusal of my e-mail account from the time reveals that I told a friend Max had referred to me as something along the lines of the "loud Southern girl.") The night ended a while later at a club downtown, where I was more than happy to leave my party schmoozing with the still-nonplussed Tucker and his flurry of followers.
Now, I do talk a lot, and loudly. And I don't care a bit what Tucker Max thinks of me. But that encounter crystallized much of what's wrong with this guy, from his oversized ego to his view of women to, most conspicuously, the fact that boredom is his life. I'm sure his fans will say he's living the dream by partying it up and getting laid (allegedly)--and, now, getting paid to do it. But, really: As it happens, he turns 34 today. And he’s used his adult years to become a world-class purveyor of the fratty art of the stunt. As he told The Huffington Post's Brad Balfour today, he has a "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" and cares little to not at all about how his exploits affect or offend anyone. For instance, why seek out sex with a "midget" or a "deaf girl"? Why simple! "It's a novelty," Max says.
It's hard to imagine this guy, with his blasé, can't-be-bothered persona, ever having taken a risk in his life. Risks, you see, are different than stunts. They require the strength to lose something important, something of substance that you might have to learn to live without, if things don't go according to plan. But Max has built himself and his brand around the notion that, really, nothing is that important--so what is there to lose? And that is why Tucker Max makes me sad.
My response to this article: fuck you lady and the high horse you road in on. You clearly have a complete and total misunderstanding about who he is and what he really does. Now go munch on some carpet you righteous bitch.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Socialism: Not the answer
Capitalism Is Not The Problem
By Walter Williams
Michael Moore's new film, "Capitalism: A Love Story" will be released next month. I've neither seen nor read reviews of the film, except for a short piece in the London Telegraph (9/6/09) titled "Michael Moore film calls capitalism evil." Aware of Michael Moore's previous films, I know that it will be at best a misleading story about capitalism. So let's do some defensive mental preparation, not about the film but what is and what is not capitalism.
Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership and control over the means of production. The distribution of goods and services and their prices are mainly determined by competition in a free market. Under such a system the primary job of government is to protect private property, enforce contracts and ensure rule of law.
There has never been a pure free market capitalistic system just as there has never been a pure communist or socialist system, where there is government ownership of the means of production and each individual has equal access to society's resources. However, we can rank economies as to whether they are closer to capitalism or closer to communism or socialism. If one ranked countries according to whether they were closer to the capitalistic end of the spectrum or the socialistic or communistic end, then ranked countries according to per capita GDP and finally rank countries according to Freedom House's "Map of Freedom in the World," he would find a pattern that is by no means a coincidence. The people in those countries closer to the capitalist end of the economic spectrum have far greater income and enjoy greater human rights protections than those toward the socialist and communist end.
According to the London Telegraph article, Moore's film features priests who say capitalism is anti-Christian by failing to protect the poor. This is pure nonsense and revealed as such by asking, "If you're an unborn spirit, condemned by God to a life of poverty but allowed to choose the country in which to be poor, would you choose a country near the communist end of the economic spectrum or the capitalist end?" If you chose the United States, you'd find that according to the government surveys, the typical "poor" American has cable or satellite TV, two color TVs, and a DVD player or VCR. He has air conditioning, a car, a microwave, a refrigerator, a stove, and a clothes washer and dryer, and whether he has health insurance or not, he is able to obtain medical care when needed. Try to find that in Cuba, Russia, China or North Korea. If we buy into the nonsense of Moore's priests, the world's poor people are incredibly stupid. Whether fleeing legally or illegally, their destination country is likely to be closer to capitalism than their departure country.
Most of our country's serious problems can be laid at the feet of Congress and the White House and not at capitalism. Take the financial crisis. One-third of the $15 trillion of mortgages in existence in 2008 are owned, or securitized by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, the Federal Housing and the Veterans Administration. Banks didn't mind making risky loans and Wall Street buyers didn't mind buying these repackaged loans because they assumed that they would be guaranteed by the federal government: read bailout by taxpayers. Under a capitalist system, financial institutions would not have been intimidated or encouraged into making risky loans and neither would they have been bailed out if they did so.
Social Security, Medicare and its coverage of prescription drugs have an unfunded liability that exceeds $100 trillion. When those roosters come home to roost, they will make the financial meltdown we've been though look like child's play.
Not withstanding all of the demagoguery, it is capitalism not socialism is that made us a great country and its socialism that will be our undoing.
School kids taught to praise Obama
This is creepy as fuck, reminds me of Hitler Youth. And its done to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic?! WTF!?!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Dems in trouble
With all the attention paid to the health care battle, ACORN, and the president's "Full Ginsburg" appearances on five Sunday talk shows, few people noticed a hearing with an exceedingly boring title -- "Proposals to Enhance the Community Reinvestment Act" -- held last week in the House Financial Services Committee. But the session marked a key moment in the ongoing battle between Republicans and Democrats over what caused our current financial woes -- and how we might best avoid getting into the same trouble again.
At the hearing, and in others across Capitol Hill, Democratic majorities are pressing hard to expand some of the very policies that led to the reckless home lending that in turn helped lead to the great financial meltdown. If Chairman Barney Frank and his fellow Democrats have their way, we'll do it all again -- and more.
At issue last week was H.R. 1479, the Community Reinvestment Modernization Act of 2009, sponsored by Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson. It would expand and strengthen the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act, which required banks to make loans in low-income areas that many lenders had traditionally shunned.
After the meltdown, some conservatives blamed the CRA for almost solely causing the crisis by requiring banks to make risky loans to unqualified borrowers. It was an unfair charge. "CRA had at best an incremental role in the U.S. housing debacle," says J.D. Foster, an economist at the Heritage Foundation. But CRA did help create the conditions in which disaster could occur.
The problems began in the 1990s, when Congress made it harder for lenders to do business if they had not passed the CRA "exam" -- that is, if they had not met the government-imposed standards for loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers.
"From 1995 on, there was an incredible push by the Clinton and Bush administrations in every way they could -- CRA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other ways -- to increase the homeownership rate," says Russell Roberts, a professor of economics at George Mason University. "What that did was to push up the price of housing, and that made it imaginable to lend money to people you never would have lent money to, on terms you wouldn't have done before."
In particular, Fannie Mae began to aggressively promote homeownership using the Community Reinvestment Act to give loans to people who couldn't afford them. Fannie went to bankers and said, make as many CRA loans as you can; we'll buy them and take them off your hands. "Our approach to our lenders is 'CRA Your Way,' " top Fannie executive Jamie Gorelick told the Mortgage Bankers Association in 2001. "Fannie Mae will buy CRA loans from lenders' portfolios; we'll package them into securities; we'll purchase CRA mortgages at the point of origination. ..."
Fannie promised to buy billions and billions of dollars worth of CRA loans because it was under pressure to do so from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which in turn was under pressure from Congress, which set ambitious quotas for low- and moderate-income loans.
The policy ended in a lot of people losing their homes. Now, Johnson's bill would ensure more of that by applying CRA's lending requirements not just to banks but to non-bank institutions like credit unions, insurance companies, and mortgage lenders. It would also make CRA explicitly race-based by, in Johnson's words, "requiring CRA exams to explicitly consider lending and services to minorities in addition to low- and moderate-income communities."
Republicans on the Financial Services Committee strongly oppose the plan. "Instead of looking to expand the number of institutions that must abide by CRA regulations, I think we should reassess the role this and other government mandates played in the financial collapse and consider scaling it back," California Rep. Ed Royce said at the hearing.
In private conversation, other Republicans were more emphatic. "There is clearly arguable evidence that the CRA is at the root of this financial meltdown," said one GOP committee member. "So what do they do? They try to expand CRA."
That's an overstatement of CRA's role in the housing mess, but it's right about the Democratic plan. Denying that CRA, Fannie and other institutions played any role in setting the stage for disaster, they're proposing more of what helped get us into trouble in the first place. It's no way to fix the problem.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Shh... your not supposed to read this
The former fundraiser for ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich spoke to a police officer before he died, Country Club Hills Mayor Dwight Welch said Sunday.
Wow, thats... not... suspicious... at all... but wait, it gets better.
Christopher Kelly, 51, of Burr Ridge was sitting up on a gurney while being interviewed by the officer, Welch said. Based on what Kelly told the officer, police are “fairly certain” he tried to kill himself, Welch said. The Cook County Medical Examiner’s office performed an autopsy but said the results are not complete. Police found “pills” in Kelly’s SUV. Welch would not say whether they were prescription or over-the-counter medication. Kelly told the officer that he recently had surgery on his “private parts.” Welch said police did not know what type of surgery. Welch said Kelly was hesitant and defensive.
On Sunday, Welch said Clarissa J. Flores-Buhelos, 30, of Chicago, the girlfriend who took Kelly to the hospital before he died of an apparent overdose Saturday, has “lawyered up” and is not cooperating with police.
But her attorney, Terry Gillespie angrily said Flores-Buhelos had already arranged to meet with police Monday. “Apparently the mayor was too busy giving news conferences” to check with his police department to confirm Monday’s meeting, Gillespie said.
Welch said Flores-Buhelos, who identified herself as Kelly’s girlfriend, told a Country Club Hills officer who was dispatched to the hospital at 3:02 a.m. that she had been trading text messages with Kelly before she drove from Chicago to the Forest Lumber yard at 173rd and Cicero where she found Kelly in his Cadillac Escalade. She told a Country Club Hills officer that she saw vomit inside and outside the SUV, and pushed Kelly over to the passenger side of the vehicle and drove him to Oak Forest Hospital. Kelly was “cognizant” at the time, Welch said.
Oak Forest Hospital does not have a trauma unit, but doctors were able to stabilize Kelly. Doctors later decided Kelly could be better treated at Stroger Hospital in Chicago, where Kelly was taken about 5:15 a.m. Saturday and died at 10:46 a.m., Cook County hospitals officials said. The police officer also interviewed an unidentified “male white with grey hair” who claimed to be Kelly’s friend. He told the officer who Kelly was, Welch said. Later Saturday morning, a white man with grey hair — police are unsure if it was the same man interviewed at the hospital earlier — came to the hospital with keys to the Escalade and tried to remove it from the parking lot but was turned away by police, Welch said.“We’re trying to determine who that is, too,” Welch said. “It could be the same white male or it could be two separate people we don’t know.”Gillespie said Flores-Buhelos “has nothing to hide” and has offered her full cooperation, Gillespie said. “She never, ever, ever refused to cooperate.”Welch portrayed her “as if she’s a criminal. This girl’s best friend in life just died hours before. He's [the mayor] basically [implying] she did something wrong.” “She's got nothing to hide and she's devastated by the whole thing.” “The mayor's a jackass. You can print that,” Gillespie said.
Am I paranoid for thinking that this is might be a hit on someone who "knew too much"? Still think I'm nuts? Read on...
Kelly was Blagojevich’s “go-to guy” who once masterminded the ex-governor’s lucrative campaign fund. Kelly’s death came just four days after he pleaded guilty to a scheme involving $8.5 million in fraud at O’Hare International Airport. It was his second conviction this year — and he still faced trial along with the ex-governor in June. Kelly had been indicted three times since 2007 but refused to become a cooperating witness. When he pleaded guilty to the O’Hare scheme Tuesday, Kelly spoke of feeling intense pressure by prosecutors to abandon his loyalty to Blagojevich and cooperate with the feds. A source familiar with the investigation told the Chicago Sun-Times that Kelly, who was married, called a woman late Friday identified as his “girlfriend” and told her that he took some pills and was going to kill himself.
The black Cadillac Escalade believed to belong to Kelly was left at Oak Forest Hospital and confiscated the vehicle Saturday night.
Welch Saturday said his police department will lead the investigation, which will be treated as if it were a homicide.
Wait I thought he killed himself no questions asked. Seems that the police are actually doing their work. Nice to know that some cops aren't on the Mafia payroll, yet...
“That means no stone will go unturned. We’re doing it by the book, step one all the way through. We’re checking the GPS on the phones of everyone involved,” the mayor said. “We’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where people were.”
Welch would not say whether detectives found a suicide note.
Kelly faced nearly eight years in prison and was to report to the downtown federal lockup by Friday. He was on a curfew, which included a requirement he be at his home between midnight and 6 a.m. While Kelly had preliminary discussions with the government about flipping on Blagojevich as recently as this summer, he never signed on to any cooperation agreement with the feds. He pleaded guilty to tax fraud charges earlier this year. That scheme was tied, in part, to Kelly’s known gambling addiction. He admitted that he converted business funds to pay off gambling debts but did not report it properly to the Internal Revenue Service. Some of the illicit funds out of the O’Hare fraud also went to pay gambling debt, along with other debt Kelly had incurred, including a loan from convicted businessman Tony Rezko. Blagojevich, in a statement released through his publicist, said: “I am deeply saddened to hear that Chris has died. My heart goes out to his wife Carmen, his three daughters Grace, Jacqueline and Claire and his entire family. They are in our prayers.”Kelly faced racketeering and extortion charges along with the ex-governor. His death is not expected to change the trial’s scheduling, but how or whether it would affect defense or prosecutorial strategy remains to be seen. Allan A. Ackerman, a member of Blagojevich’s legal defense team, told the Associated Press that he doubts Kelly’s death “will have any impact on the government’s case at all.” Kelly’s lawyer, Michael Monico, said late Saturday that he could not answer any questions about his client’s death. Spokesmen from the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office declined comment.
There's more evidence to suggest a conspiracy theory
The Chicago Tribune ran a story On September 14 (He killed himself on September 12th) they wrote a very interesting article
Police said Sunday that they didn't yet know whether Kelly, 51, tried to kill himself by ingesting the drugs found inside the 2007 Cadillac Escalade registered to his roofing company. But a girlfriend told police that Kelly said he wanted to commit suicide in text messages he sent to her. After an autopsy, the Cook County medical examiner's office said more studies are needed before determining a cause of death.
Once again it gets better...
Plus, there's a person whom police called a "mystery man" with gray hair who unsuccessfully tried to pick up Kelly's SUV from the hospital with keys in hand -- whom police are still trying to identify. "We're piecing this together as we go along," Country Club Hills Mayor Dwight Welch said during a news conference Sunday.
This reeks of a hit job.
Andrew Breitbart dishes...
Everything you needed to know about the unorthodox roll out of the now-notorious ACORN sting videos was hidden in plain sight in my Sept. 7 column, Katie Couric, Look in the Mirror. ACORN was not the only target of those videos; so were Katie, Brian, Charlie and every other mainstream media pooh-bah.
They were not going to report this blockbuster unless they were forced to. And they were. What's more, it ain't over yet. Not every hint I dropped in that piece about what was to come has played itself out yet.Stay tuned.
When filmmaker and provocateur James O'Keefe came to my office to show me the video of him and his friend, Hannah Giles, going to the Baltimore offices of ACORN - the nation's foremost "community organizers" - dressed as a pimp and a prostitute and asking for - and getting - help for various illegal activities, he sought my advice. In the past, Mr. O'Keefe created brilliant social satire that rocked his college campus and even made its way on to the talk-radio and cable-news shows, but the magnitude of his latest adventure had the potential to rock the political establishment.
I was awed by Mr. O'Keefe's guts and amazed by the footage, but explained that the mainstream media would try to kill this important and illuminating expose about a corrupt and criminal political racket, and that the well-funded political left would go into "war room" mode, with 25-year-old Mr. O'Keefe and 20-year-old cohort Miss Giles in the cross hairs. I felt I had a moral obligation to protect these young muckrakers from the left and from the media, and to devise a strategy that would force the media's hand.
Once the American public saw with its own eyes the grotesque, common practices of ACORN's housing offices, Mr. O'Keefe and Miss Giles could no longer be a legitimate focus of media scrutiny. Kill the messenger doesn't work with the American people when they realize that the message is so devastating and honest. I think the video exposed the misuse of public funds and systemic manipulation of the tax code in the name of "helping the poor."
If Mr. O'Keefe dumped the videos on YouTube, the political powers would have killed the expose before it got traction. I half-joked that he should secretly tape pitching the major television networks exclusive use of his videos for their nightly news broadcasts. But a simpler, less controversial method proved as fruitful.
I told him that in addition to launching his compelling and stylized Web videos, we needed to offer the full transcripts and audio to the public in the name of transparency, and to offer Fox News the full footage of each video before each was released.We had to devise a plan that would force the media to see the evidence before they had enough time to destroy these two idealistic 20-something truth seekers. Mr. O'Keefe agreed to post the full audio and full transcript of his video experiences at BigGovernment.com.
Thus was born a multimedia, multiplatform strategy designed to force the reluctant hands of ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post.
Videos of five different ACORN offices in five separate cities would be released on five consecutive weekdays over a full week - Baltimore, Washington, New York, San Bernadino and San Diego. By dripping the videos out, we exposed to anyone paying attention that ACORN was lying through its teeth and that the media would look imbecilic continuing to trot out their hapless spokespeople.
If the media, as expected, pretended that the story didn't exist, they'd have another debacle on their hands comparable to the failure to report the shocking views of the White House's "green jobs czar," Van Jones. If they invested in the story, I told Mr. O'Keefe, they would do ACORN's defense work. I told him the focus needed to be on the message, not the messenger. Otherwise, the mainstream media would attempt to direct attention away from the damaging video evidence.
The best example of this came from ABC's anchor, Charlie Gibson. "I don't even know about it. So you've got me at a loss," he told WLS radio when asked about it. "But my goodness, if it's got everything, including sleaziness in it, we should talk about it in the morning." But he also said that what was seen on these videos was best left for the "cables."
Is this not malevolent arrogance?
That evening, Katie Couric and "The CBS Evening News" cried uncle and did a story. Six days into an underground media sensation that caused the White House to force the Commerce Department to delink ACORN from the census on day two, CBS knew it could sit on the sidelines no longer. Especially since ACORN spokespeople were issuing what to me was clearly lie after lie, and CBS could only assume that more videos were coming.
CNN made the most sustained effort to blame the messenger and make the videos the issue. Producers aggressively called Miss Giles, Mr. O'Keefe and me, imploring us to explain our journalistic tactics. I told them repeatedly that if they offered the videos a fair airing and let their audience decide, we'd agree to a Time Warner grilling. I also said we could have the debate on journalistic ethics after this story played out at a journalism school of their choice.
Instead, the media repeated ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis' growing body of lies, never holding her accountable for her shameless hackery. Jonathan Klein, CNN's president, is emerging as symbol of the mainstream media's last depressing days.
No wonder Jon Stewart delivered a stinging and hilarious rebuke of the real newspeople on his "Daily Show" parodies every night: "Where were the real reporters on this story? ... Where the hell were you?"
High praise to you, Mr. Stewart. It's nice to see there's someone out there in liberal media-land who would recognize there's something terribly wrong on these videos. And yes, there are more to come.
Thats nice but wait until you read this last paragraph.
At the very least, filmmaker James O'Keefe and actress Hannah Giles deserve a Pulitzer Prize for their expose of deep corruption and unspeakable immorality at the ACORN housing division. But more important, I won't rest until they receive a grant to continue their partisan artistry from the National Endowment for the Arts.
That's this week's mission.
I think you need to read those last 2 sentences again because this is HUGE.
But more important, I won't rest until they receive a grant to continue their partisan artistry from the National Endowment for the Arts.
That's this week's mission.
The NEA (the arts one, not the teachers union) was exposed for being a partisan outlet last week but recieved next to no media coverage outside of talk radio and a few conservative blogs I follow. Stay tuned folks, things are going to get interesting.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Jay Leno actually does something creative...
The race included life-size cut-outs of environmentalists Al Gore and Ed Begley Jr. who pop onto the track. During the segment's setup, Leno explained the eco-friendly celebrities "don't know these are electric cars" and are trying to stop the vehicles -- which gives drivers a chance to comically mow them down. Having anti-environmentalists would have made more contextual sense, but Leno producers probably figure Gore and Begley make for, ahem, easier targets.
Something actually pro-conservative huh? What? The thing I can't wait for is Rush Limbaugh doing it later this week. I hope he hits both of them and wrecks the car but thats just me...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Audacity of Hos: Daily Show Skewers ACORN
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They have lost Jon Stewart which means they have lost most of America. Too bad the MSM hasn't picked up on this. Stewart takes them to task, they be fucked. PUN definitely intended
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Economist warns of double-dip recession(I could have told you that)
Speaking at the Sibos conference in Hong Kong on Monday, William White, the highly-respected former chief economist at the Bank for International Settlements, also warned that government actions to help the economy in the short run may be sowing the seeds for future crises.
Are we going into a W[-shaped recession]? Almost certainly. Are we going into an L? I would not be in the slightest bit surprised,” he said, referring to the risks of a so-called double-dip recession or a protracted stagnation like Japan suffered in the 1990s.
“The only thing that would really surprise me is a rapid and sustainable recovery from the position we’re in.”
The comments from Mr White, who ran the economic department at the central banks’ bank from 1995 to 2008, carry weight because he was one of the few senior figures to predict the financial crisis in the years before it struck.
Mr White repeatedly warned of dangerous imbalances in the global financial system as far back as 2003 and – breaking a great taboo in central banking circles at the time – he dared to challenge Alan Greenspan, then chairman of the Federal Reserve, over his policy of persistent cheap money.
On Monday Mr White questioned how sustainable the signs of life in the global economy would prove to be once governments and central banks started to withdraw their unprecedented stimulus measures. “The green shoots are certainly out there – the question is what kind of fertiliser is being used on them,” he said.
Worldwide, central banks have pumped thousands of billions of dollars of new money into the financial system over the past two years in an effort to prevent a depression. Meanwhile, governments have gone to similar extremes, taking on vast sums of debt to prop up industries from banking to car making.
These measures may already be inflating a bubble in asset prices, from equities to commodities, he said, and there was a small risk that inflation would get out of control over the medium term if central banks miss-time their “exit strategies”.
Meanwhile, the underlying problems in the global economy, such as unsustainable trade imbalances between the US, Europe and Asia, had not been resolved, he said.
Also present at the Sibos conference was Joseph Yam, who is stepping down as chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority after 16 years. He told delegates of the myriad “challenges” facing those working for greater stability in the financial sector.
In a hard-hitting address, Mr Yam said that large banking profits and staff bonuses led to lower financial efficiency and contributed to the financial crisis.
Mr Yam is tipped to become an adviser to the People’s Bank of China, the country’s central bank, after he leaves his post next month.
He said there was a conflict between the private, short term interest of financial groups to maximise profits and the public interest of effective financial intermediation that provided support to the economy. “This conflict has not been talked about much, if at all, even in central banking forums,” he said.
How comforting...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Helping the pro-life movement?...
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 years ago today...
Lets see at about 7:40am (5 minutes before the first plane hit) my dad dropped me off in front of my brand new school, Benilde-St.Margarets, where I was starting the second day of the third week of my Freshman year of high school. I went to my locker to pick up some stuff for my Advanced Spanish I class and things in my life were normal. My only concern at that moment was the fact the Vikings lost to the Panthers on Sunday (I was at the game) and how we would handle the Ravens next Monday night and not have our asses totally handed to us and that the Twins miracle run was looking like a mirage as their playoff hopes faded fast. That all changed when I went to the homeroom and waited for morning announcments. I thought I heard someone say that a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center towers but I dismissesd it thinking it was lack of sleep and that I was hearing things. That all changed when the Vice Principal got on the mike and dismissed everyone to go to the cafeteria to watch what was happening.
At first I was thinking it was like a little Cessna had hit the World Trade Center because I remember that something similar had happened in the 1930's when a small plane actually hit the Empire State Building and it was no big deal. That all changed when I saw the live video on the TV. I remember, and I still don't know what compelled me to say this, saying "I got three words for this, Osama Bin Laden" people turned around and looked at me obviously not recognizing the name. We stood and watched until second period was to start at like 9:10am (I think). Right as I was leaving I heard a gasp and looked up, it looked like part of the building was collapsing, only a chunk it looked to me. Little did I know I was looking at this...

I didn't know it had collapsed until I had gotten to my next class. My teacher wanted to turn the TV off but we stopped her, as a compromise she said she would mute it but that we would continue school work even though no one was paying attention. I was trying to concentrate on a problem when I heard that same gasp I did about 20 minutes prior. I looked up and saw the second tower in the process of collapsing. I looked to my partner who I was working with on the problems and saw his face. That image of him being completely stunned and horrified is burned into my brain forever. As I type I can still see it.
The rest of the day, week, month was a blur. Not a fast one but a slow one. 3 weeks felt like 3 years, 3 months felt like 10 years and by the end of my freshman year it seemed like I should be settling down and starting a family even though I wasn't even 16. Time just simply stopped for me. I wouldn't be the conservative, politically active person I am today if it wasn't for that infamous day. There are times when I wish I was ignorant to everything going on but I am not. I guess you could say it is a blessing and a curse all in one. I have met so many people that have positively changed my life that I can't call it a curse, but I am so damn frusterated most of the time (but less now, because I am DOING things) that it can't be considered a blessing either. I guess it just is.
But let us never forget what happened on that clear September morning 8 years ago. The people who died saving others... the innocent people deciding to end their lives by jumping from their office windows as opposed to being burnt alive or asphixiated by the smoke... the countless people who came out to help and offer any service they could... and let us not forget the pictures that the media seems intent on burying.


These people had families and lives and those asshole ragheads took that away from them. Let us also not forget the fact that we HAVEN'T had a major terrorist attack on our soil since. If on 9/12 you had told me, or probably anyone in the US, that on the 8th anniversary of the attacks there would still yet to be a follow up attack against the US I would have said that not only is that impossible but your insane and need to be committed to a mental institution. Blame Bush&Co. for their handling of 9/11 but give them credit for not letting another attack happen after that. That is all I have to say. Failblog/FML Friday makes a glorious return next week.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Is America coming apart?
Is America coming apart?
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Cass Sunstein - Pres Obama's Regulatory Czar - views on 2nd Amendment
This is fucking scary. He needs to be Van Jonesd ASAP. Only the UIC would be stupid enough to record this and consider it part of the "Best Ideas" lecture series. What were some other ones, that the 1st amendment doesn't create an individual right to speak their fucking minds? Liberal Fascism at its best.
Oh the things you will see at the U...
Friday, September 04, 2009
Ultimate FAIL...
Ok here's the article relating to this RB for Oregon who literally suckerpunched (don't believe me? Look at the video above) a Bosie State linebacker after a game last night.
EUGENE, Ore. -- Oregon has suspended running back LeGarrette Blount for the remainder of the season for punching Boise State linebacker Byron Hout after Thursday night's loss.
Blount's suspension includes any bowl games. Coach Chip Kelly said he will remain on scholarship.
Immediately following Boise's 19-8 victory, ESPN showed Hout taunting Blount as the teams converged onto the field. As a Broncos assistant coach moved to separate Hout from Blount, the Oregon senior threw a right cross that connected with Hout's right jaw. Hout went down and popped right back up.
"Under no circumstance is fighting acceptable," the NCAA said in a statement Friday. "If it occurs before or during a game, the officials enforce the rules. If it occurs after a game, institutions and conferences decide how to address the situation. We trust our members to handle these situations appropriately. Sportsmanship is everyone's responsibility, including student-athletes, coaches, officials, institutions and fans.
In a statement prior to Blount's suspension, Oregon president Richard Lariviere called the player's behavior "reprehensible."
"We do not and will not tolerate the actions that were taken by our player. Oregon's loyal fans expect and deserve better," Lariviere said.
Boise State spokesman Max Corbet told The Associated Press in an e-mail Friday that coach Chris Petersen would not suspend Hout. Instead, Petersen will spend time with Hout this week to help him learn from what happened.
Boise State replayed Blount slugging Hout several times on the giant screen in the north end zone of Bronco Stadium. Amid jeers from the crowd, Blount, who was being escorted from the field by Oregon assistant coach Scott Frost, got into another confrontation with fans.
According to Blount, one fan brandished a chair at him and another punched him. Two police officers and Frost nearly carried Blount to the Boise State athletic building, where the visiting team dresses.
After the game, a contrite Blount came out of the locker room.
"I should have handled that situation a lot better than I did," he said. "I apologize. We will never have a game like this again. ... The game, as it went on, just got more frustrating and more frustrating for me in general. I shouldn't have said anything. I shouldn't have done anything."
Blount, a 6-foot-2, 240-pound transfer from East Mississippi CC, rushed for 1,002 yards and a school-record 17 touchdowns last season. He carried the ball eight times for minus-5 yards and caught two passes for 13 yards against Boise State.
Players from both sides, Blount included, met at midfield for a pregame handshake, the result of a sportsmanship initiative developed for this weekend's games by the American Football Coaches Association and the NCAA. Grant Teaff, the AFCA's executive director, said Friday the incident would not dampen the weekend.
"This case points out that we still need to have a commitment to sportsmanship and respect," Teaff told ESPN's Joe Schad. "It was sad as I watched [the events in Boise], but the good news is nobody joined in. That would have been a brawl back in the day. This was one player who was frustrated and infuriated and lost control."
Apparently this kid HAD an NFL future. In my dream world this kid would lose his scholarship, be kicked out of Oregon and have assault and battery charges filed against him. But we live in the real world so he's only suspended for the year, remains on scholarship and probably won't have charges filed against him.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
The Left just doesn't get it...
President Barack Obama's plans for a televised back-to-school address to students next week are drawing fire from some conservatives, who say he's just trying to indoctrinate them to his political beliefs.
In the Sept. 8 speech, Obama will challenge students to work hard, set goals for their education and take responsibility for their learning, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a letter to principals.
The Education Department is encouraging teachers to create lesson plans around the speech, using materials provided on the department website, that urge students to learn about Obama and other presidents.
"He will also call for a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens," Duncan said in a press release.
But already, some conservatives are crying foul. The chairman of the Florida Republican Party is condemning Obama's speech as an attempt to "indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda."
"The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the President justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other President, is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power," Chairman Jim Greer said in a press release.
Added conservative talk show host Tammy Bruce, in a Twitter feed: "Make September 8 Parentally Approved Skip Day. You are your child's moral tutor, not that shady lawyer from Chicago." And conservative author Michelle Malkin said the lesson plans have a "heavy activist bent."
Texas school districts are discussing whether the president's speech will be shown — some districts are leaving it up to individual teachers with an opt out parents who don't want their children to view the speech, according to the Houston Chronicle.
In his letter to principals, Duncan said viewing of the speech is encouraged, not mandatory. It's the first time a president has ever given a speech addressed directly to students.
The latest viral wingnut e-mail, sent early on Tuesday, reveals that teabaggers (with the help of the G0P) are organizing a nationwide "Keep Your Kid Home From School Day" to protest President Obama's upcoming address to schoolchildren on the importance of studying hard and getting a good education.
Read it for yourself and have a good laugh:
Word is traveling fast on the internet, between bloggers and twitter, the choice is clear : No school for kids on September 8th due to the beginning of Socialist Indoctrination of Americas children.
Keep your kids home September 8th
2009 September 1
by DanaLoesch
Take a day of vacation. Go to the zoo. Anything that would save your offspring from what I will bluntly say is just the quasi-fellating the executive branch. That cackling over a bubbling cauldron you hear is the NEA rejoicing.
Picture 4
President Obama’s Address to Students Across America September 8, 2009
I wouldn’t have such a problem with the Department of Education were this presented in a non-Orwellian fashion. Oh yes, it is, as the lesson plan directs, to listen to what t he president, the mayor, et al. says, to respect their "authoritah" , but there is no emphasis in here on why the president and other elected officials should listen to US. The focus is solely on authority. There is no consideration given to the authority of the American people. That’s what concerns me.
There is this mindset that those in Washington are the "elite," that we should mind our Ps and Qs and blindly follow their directives. That’s not the manner of governance upon which this country was founded – it is quite the opposite; even the hobbyist Constitutional aficionado appreciates this.
So yes, keep your kids home on September 8th and teach them that the power of America rests in the hands of its people, no one else.
Now my FAVORITE part of the article...
Funny thing is, you didn't hear a peep from these nutjobs when the first President Bush delivered a 15 minute speech to the nation's classrooms on the importance of avoiding drugs. You didn't see any of them blowing a gasket when teachers were supplied with guides to help student's interpret President Reagan's Challenger Speech. And you certainly didn't see Democrats pulling their kids out of school over either of those events.
Unless these people don't want their kids to be encouraged on studying hard, there's only one reason for them to have their children play hooky: an irrational fear of President Obama.
Their outrage over this speech is being fueled by the likes of Matt Drudge and Michelle Malkin and even the Republican Party itself, each of whom represent the crazy behind the crazies. They've completely lost their minds. Insane to the core.
Maybe if they spent more time in school instead of skipping it, they'd learn how to spell words like "oligarchy."
Ok, this isn't a speech on drugs (which I think everyone can agree is bad) and remembering the Challenger (a major tragedy) this is and I quote from politico.com
The Education Department is encouraging teachers to create lesson plans around the speech, using materials provided on the department website, that urge students to learn about Obama and other presidents.
"He will also call for a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens," Duncan said in a press release.
NO WHERE in those other speeches were any of those other things mentioned. Can you imagine the leftists moonbat outrage if DoE encouraged teachers to create a LESSON PLAN around ANY PRESIDENT BUSH SPEECH. I think that they would have pulled out their kids and probably get the ACLU to sue someone. God these people are so full of themselves they can't see the writing on the wall. Compare indoctrination speeches to anti-drug and memorial speeches guys, you will only continue to damage your cause.
Radical Islam is OUR enemy part 1...
This week is the 5th anniversary of the Beslan atrocity.
A group of dedicated Muslims, filled with love for Allah and their prophet, and an almost inconceivable hate for infidels murdered hundreds of innocent children.
First they stormed a school on opening day, took all the students, teachers and parents hostage. They rounded up all the hostages, promptly shot any men, and crowded all the rest into the gym. They rigged the perimeter with explosives, and placed a larger bomb in a bucket suspended from the ceiling. A kill-switch was rigged for the foot of one pious Muslim who sat and rocked for days reading the Koran out loud in a mumble.
This all happened in the middle of a heat wave, the hostages mostly just little kids, were left to swelter on the gym floor. They were given no food or water for 3 days, even though the drinking fountains were just outside the gym in the hallway. As they dehydrated they sucked on their underwear moistened with their own urine. The children were beaten and humiliated.
Many of the girls (the oldest were about 14) were gang raped, sodomized and defiled with object such as rifles. Some of these girls bled out on the gym floor from these attacks.
Brutality and viciousness toward the innocents that most of can’t really comprehend.
Then something happened; the Russians stormed to school, or the Muslims just started killing, to this day no one is sure which, but the jihadists set off the bombs, instantly killing scores of the hostages. The surviving children ran in all directions in panic, and the jihadists scum began to shoot them in the back as they fled. Little. Fucking. Kids. 144 teachers, parents, soldiers and rescuers died.
186 children murdered for Allah.
Take a good look. This is the enemy. These people, with this ideology, are who we fight. This ideology, this religion, these followers of this prophet and god who does not just condone this, no, a god who demands the barbaric slaughter of innocents because they are outsiders; this is who we fight.
They don't want their grievances heard, they’re not looking for terms, they want you dead. They want to rule the world. Listen to them they’ll tell you if you’ll just listen.
Soldiers, civilians, men, women, and children: they don’t care, we are all infidels, and we all must die, they have no compassion for you, or your six-year-old son.
Take a good look at the enemy.
Let's not forget the pics...



Stuff that should creep the hell out of you...
Ben --
Opponents of health insurance reform have power. Some reap huge profits from the status quo. Others take large campaign contributions from those who profit.
So they'll do anything to keep the current system in place. When fact-based arguments don't work, they attack President Obama with outlandish lies about a government takeover and euthanizing the elderly. And once that doesn't work, they'll go even further.
We don't know what they'll do next. What we do know is that we'll have to be prepared for anything -- ready to set the record straight, ready to make sure the media and Congress see the overwhelming support for reform, and ready to pass real reform this year.
But we'll need the resources to do it -- to pay for rapid-response ads in key districts and states, organizers to put together large rallies and grassroots events throughout the country, and the best technology available to empower volunteers -- all at a moment's notice. Please chip in $5 or more to help us pass real reform, this year.
This was never going to be easy. As candidate Obama said just three days before the election: "Don't think for a moment that power will concede without a fight." Now, we're seeing how true that really is.
These same well-financed forces have killed reform in the past, and they're aiming to do it again.
But here's why this time can be different: There are folks like you, all around the country, who are ready to go toe-to-toe with the special interests, even when they're not fighting fair.
And we'll keep at it, because we know that the work we're doing together right now can make the lives of hundreds of millions better for decades to come.
But we need your help to keep it up. Please donate $5 or more to help beat the special interests:
There's too much at stake for any of us to sit this one out. Please chip in.
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
This is probably the 10th email I've gotten from them since he took office (actually probably closer to 20 but I deleted a bunch). Can you imagine the uproar from even the right if Karl Rove did this to help support Bush policies. Folks this shit is getting creepier by the day.