Wednesday, August 31, 2005

great article...

I found someone out there called Violence Worker who agrees with me, here's his article about what was posted on DailyKos (a big liberal blog). This only confirms what I said earlier, they have no low.

Unhinged Bush Bashing!

Flip Floss over at the Daily Kos is unhinged. In a post titled "New Orleans will be Destroyed. Where's Bush?" He/She/It decided that Bush isn't doing enough. Let me Fisk this idiot. This will be easy.

We are going to witness the destruction of an entire city. Shouldn't there be a nationwide address by the President?

And this address would do what? Is he God? Will his very words miraculously save everyone and make the waters recede? He's the president, not Moses, Mega-Mind..

Shouldn't he be mobilizing every citizen. Every military airplane, military bus, jeep before the storm hits to evacuate these people who are going to stay in WHAT?...the Superdome?

To do that Genius, he'd have to declare martial law. And if he did that, you and your moonbat friends would scream he was trying to stop elections.

What kind of an emergency evacuation is that? Thats not a safe building. Bush couldn't have evacuated a few thousand people with military aircraft and buses?

OK Einstein, just exactly how many airplanes do you think we have?
Second, Mensa Man, where do you think we are storing all those buses? Underground in a secret garage just waiting outside New Orleans?
Third, OK, we send every plane, train and bus down there to cart people out. Where do you propose we take them? To the state line and drop them to go back for another load? Maybe to Gitmo? Maybe Bush could draft them as he is carting them out and send them to Iraq!!
Fourth, oh Quick-witted One, It is the Governor and local officials that order evacuations.
Oh, and just in case you are interested Professor, the Superdome was probably as good as anywhere else. It stood up to the storm better than most structures.

Isn't that the purpose of having a leader? Some one who can anticipate problems and do his best to solve them?

Again, Sir Cerebral, where is he going to get all this stuff? Oh, and just in case it hadn't occured to you, Oh Brainy One, New Orleans isn't the only place destroyed or devastated. The destruction is widespread. Where were the Governors and the mayors?

Much of the national gurard from these states affected are in Iraq keeping America safe from ...something or other. Here where there is an impending national catastrophe about to happen (sic)

But not all (this is my commentary, it is law that at all times 65% percent of NG troops have to be ready to be deployed somewhere here in the U.S. only 35-40% tops can fight overseas at any given time, in LA 80% of NG troops have to stay put ready to be called on anytime to help the United States, kiss my butt you lying liberal). Most are still there, especially the Air Guard. Even if they weren't, there would still be thousands who could not answer the call. Also, just for your information, calling up the guard is usually up to the governor unless they are federalized and deployed by the Army, which is a process of much paperwork and takes some time..

this(sic) is turning into a disaster movie on TV. There no real content on the coverage. Just stay tuned for when the hurricane will really be exciting.

And this is whose fault? Bush? Try again, Brainchild. Also, what are they supposed to report before it gets there, stuff they make up? I know you lefties are prone to do that, but there is a line.

Of course it has nothing to do with Global warming. I haven't heard anything about that possibility being discussed.

Bush caused the whole problem in 5 short years. Get a grip, Egghead. Even in your beloved New York Times today there was an article about the cyclic history of Hurricanes.

I havent' heard anything about why National Guard troops and equipment being unavailable to the extent they could have if there were no pretentious war in Iraq.

Is this like mantra. Something you keep repeating until you believe it?

I haven't heard anything about the safety of the Superdome. A place ripe for collapse.

It's still standing. Surprise!

I haven't heard anything about who the people are who are unable to leave. They don't have enough money to warrant coverage. I haven't seen any of these people who could not leave being interviewed about how they feel. I haven't heard anything about what happens after a city is 20' underwater and how that affects people who once lived in it long term.

Holy Lightbulb, Batman, this guy is bright! It was all over the mainstream news. Read something other than a lefty blog, Brilliance, and you might have heard and seem all that. I did, and I live way up in the Pacific Northwest.

New Orleans is about to be destroyed not only because of the Hurricane but because it is below sea level. Why aren't the people being protected?

You are the most stupid person to ever sit in front of a computer and type. Read closely, you ignorant Schlepp, it isn't Bush that left New Orleans unprotected. It is built in a bad spot in the first place. Years of CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADERSHIP in Louisiana is who you need to blame!!!

Flip Floss, you are unbelievably STUPID!!!!!! With people like you, it's no wonder the Democrats are losing!!!!! Thankfully so!


I think I found a new blog friend people :)


Ol' BC said...

It will never be enough for the left. They spew so much hatred for Bush that they rarely have a coherent thought.

Ben said...

liberal traitor- I know

ol' bc- no it won't, I agree

The Zombieslayer said...

It's all Bush's fault. If he hadn't been jet skiing really, really fast, this hurricane would have never happened.

But seriously, politics aside, how about everyone focus on helping the survivors?